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BLue BLue Posted on Feb 25, 2007
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Error at start up

Suring start up i am getting this message "invalid configuration file, please run start up" after a few minutes i get this message "no physical harddrive found" in the bios it does not detect the hard drive , i fear that my hardd drive has gone bad. Any expertise on this , anyone ??

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  • BLue BLue Feb 26, 2007

    i have already replaced the hard drive, i put another used harddrive to load windows but it gave the same error. If its a software problem then what kind is it ??


  • BLue BLue Feb 27, 2007

    Let me be clear with my original hard drive i am getting this error "invalid configuration file, please run start up" . i put another working hard drive and i got the same error . i am not sure if something is worong with the harddrive or the software

  • BLue BLue Feb 28, 2007

    thanks ....i think i should get a brand new hard drive and then try to install windows on it ...hopefully it will work.


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  • Posted on Feb 25, 2007
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Blues, The first thing I would try is to remove and reseat the hard drive. With the laptop oriented with the cover latch towards you the hard drive is on the left of the laptop towards the front end. -Flip the laptop over and locate the hard drive carrier door. -There is one screw holding the drive in place, remove it. - Lift the hard drive door up until you hear a click. -Slide the hard drive out of the computer. -Reinsert the drive and push the hard drive until it is fully seated in the hard drive bay. -Reinstall the retention screw. If that doesn?t work then you either have software corruption problems or hardware failure or both. Let us know if you have any other questions and please don?t forget to rate this post.

  • Anonymous Feb 27, 2007

    If I understand you correctly you?ve installed another used hard drive and you received an error saying no hard drive found. Are you getting this error while going through the Windows install routine using an install CD?

  • Anonymous Feb 28, 2007

    From what you?ve told me I?m not sure yet. Assuming the 2nd hard drive is blank or can be reformatted (and is still in the laptop) try this and we should be able to start heading in the right direction:
    -Place your Windows installation CD in your CD drive.
    -Boot to the CD drive and go through the installation process.
    -At some point early in the installation process the program will inspect your computer for a functional hard drive to install Windows. If it doesn?t find one it will tell you in no uncertain terms. That will point us in the direction of an incorrectly configured BIOS or perhaps some malfunctioning electronics. Let me know what you find out and we'll pickup from there.


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