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Goldstar MA-1112 Microwave Oven Questions & Answers
Samsung SMH9187 SE error
Had the same problem with my microwave which is 3 years old and the warranty is expired. Call Samsung 1-800-726-7864, they have a recall and have extended the warranty for the problem. I just had my control panel replaced by tech at home for free...
Need users manual
I need a user manual & parts list for a Quasar microwave, Model # MQ9968W built in 1991. Is this manual available in a pdf format or in hardcopy?
What is the wattage for ER-4010
Most home Microwaves draw about 12-14 amps. You could figure your wattage at about 1680 watts. Calculated by factoring the voltage of most units 120V times the typical amperage draw of 12-14 amps. so wattage is volts times amps or (12-14 X 120) 1440-1680 watts
4/12/2020 10:09:45 PM •
on Apr 12, 2020
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