Usually when there are problems with booting roms on the r4 it is because the kernel is out of date. Download the latest kernel for your r4 at the games still don't work, you might need to replace the arm7.bin file in the game. To do this, you will need to use a program called DSLazy. You can download it
here. So to replace the arm7.bin, you will need a nds rom that works without the arm7.bin fix.
Step One: Start DSLazy.
Step Two: Browse for the file that works without the fix (I use Tetris DS)
Step Three: Click Unpack. This will create a new folder called NDS_UNPACK
Step Four: Move the arm7.bin inside the new folder somewhere safe. Close DSLazy
Step Five: Complete steps 1-3 again.
Step Six: Now open NDS_UNPACK that you just created with the game you want to fix and put the arm7.bin that you moved from step four into the NDS_UNPACK to replace the one already in there with the new one.
Step Seven: Click NDS Packer in DSLazy. This will create a new version of the game you want to fix with a new arm7.bin
Step Eight: You are done. Copy the game to your r4 and load it. The game should work.
If this didn't work, which shouldn't happen, try re-downloading your roms.
If it STILL doesn't work, there might be a problem with your r4, and you might want to get it fixed or get a new one.
~hope this helps.