GE EasyCam - Recent Questions, Troubleshooting & Support
It is Twinkle Cam, usb
1st You download Webcam Driver.
It is Twinkle Cam, usbAfter this install the Webcam driver in the system.Installation of Webcam DriverGo to the control panelClick on the System IconClick on the Hardware TabClick on the Device Manager sSelect the Unknown Device or printer device where yellow Question Marks sign on it.Right click on it and uninstall it.After this go to the top of the device manager and click on scan for hardware changes.Driver installation Wizard start.Brows Your Driver from the Hard Disk and click on next.Driver will be install.
No software cd
you can download software from here
I want to uninstall the program but it won't. Dell
Hi there,
try to use revo uninstaller to uninstall a program.
Instructions to use the program :
open up a program and select the program you want to uninstall. Select the option safe uninstall and click next. It will start uninstalling a program. If it gives you any error you just need to click next and it will show you all the files from the registry, select the files highlited in bold and click delete then click next. press select all and then delete all. clcik next and then finish.
To download the software click on the link below :
I need to download the driver
Driver: the cam, uninstall any cam software you've got, reboot, install the driver, then plug the cam in.
My lil brother gave me
Sorry, but when you have Windows 7 or 8.x there will be no drivers for that cam. Even when you have the complete software, Microsoft will not allow you to install a non certified driver in one of the newer Windows versions.
I need a driver for
If it is a new cam, and you are running a newer version of Windows, like 7 or 8, the driver should be in the OS. But when the cam is somewhat older, and GE did not write a certified driver for the newer versions of Windows, you won't be able to install a working driver for that cam.
The software should be available on the GE website in the US.
If it is a new cam, and you are running a newer version of Windows, like 7 or 8, the driver should be in the OS. But when the cam is somewhat older, and GE did not write a certified driver for the newer versions of Windows, you won't be able to install a working driver for that cam.
The software should be available on the GE website in the US. (older drivers to)
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