I just bought a used E20 in Ex+ condition. I put my card in andbatteries. It comes on ( cf) a red exclamation point, and write protect is on the screen. What does this mean. I can I get this off. I tried to erase pictures on card, the same thing shows up again. the camera is a an olympus E20 digital camera.
A slightly similar experience in that a Memory Stick Duo inexplicably set itself to write protect. No matter what I did, I couldn't format it. I was forced to buy another card. If possible, test it with another card or two. If it happens with more than two or three cards, then I would suspect the camera.
I have a Olympus E-20N and the CF Error comes on. From my understanding and Experience,Some cameras use different types of CF Cards like the (standard) (Ultra) (Extreme) Type I or II... Do you know if this really matters with the difference of Standard Ultra and so on..? I tried using a Ultra,just got the CF Error..?
Usually answered in minutes!
There is just a blank/black screen when I'm trying to take pics. Otherwise it will only let me view taken pics. I can view them, erase them, but I can not take them. Also, I'm wondering what it means when the symbol flashes a picture of a camera with exclamation mark mean