What password is needed after the hot sync button pressed on hand hled device ? I am synchronizing with my laptop which uses a wireless connection to our cable modem. i have tried the passwords i am aware of. I did not create one as far as i know. I did sync with our main desktop previously so it is already on my hand helds application menu.
Try looking at (from the main applications menu) Preferences, then Security. I have a T5, so the operating system is likely different, but there are two passwords there that can be enabled...password and quick unlock. I know if I push the hotsync button on my cable to sync before I unlock the T5, it will prompt me for a password. You can also try making sure you are logged in and have access to your Treo "before" hitting the hotsync button. On the T5, if I'm already on the T5 and hotsync I don't get prompted for a password. If this is totally off-base due to the differences in the T5 and Treo, I apologize for the confusion.
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