Just picked up the F505V and have noticed that the LCD is markedly dimmer than my DSC-S70 -- yes, the backlight is turned on and all settings are the same on both cameras. Has anyone had a similar experience? Do you think this is something that needs to be sent in for adjustment/replacement? Allso, the 505V seems to be more prone to red-eye than the S70 and the S70's colors seem more saturated. For those others of you out there with experience on both cameras, What are your thoughts?
I've not compared the two directly, but I can easily turn the brightness control on the 505v up to the point where the LCD it way too bright, so I don't think there's an issue in general. That doesn't mean that there is not a malfunction in your particualr camera, though.
I own a 505V. I tried the S70 at local store just shortly. I didn't notice that one has dimer LCD than the other.
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