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Anonymous Posted on Sep 08, 2005

Resolution What exactly is resolution? I’m confused about how it works

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  • Posted on Sep 08, 2005
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Joined: Aug 30, 2005

Resolution refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch (dpi) in an image. Basically, the more dpi that a photo has, the sharper an image is. High resolution is important if you are going to be printing photos (look for a photo-capable printer that has a high resolution, say 4800 x 1200 dpi). If you’ll be e-mailing your images, you may want to save your photos at a lower resolution for faster file downloads. Digital camera resolution is measured in megapixels (1MP equals one million pixels), so the higher the MP capacity a camera has, the higher quality of images it will produce. Generally you can take good photographs with a 3MP camera.

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  • 542 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 08, 2005

SOURCE: Resolution

Resolution refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch (dpi) in an image. Basically, the more dpi that a photo has, the sharper an image is. High resolution is important if you are going to be printing photos (look for a photo-capable printer that has a high resolution, say 4800 x 1200 dpi). If you’ll be e-mailing your images, you may want to save your photos at a lower resolution for faster file downloads. Digital camera resolution is measured in megapixels (1MP equals one million pixels), so the higher the MP capacity a camera has, the higher quality of images it will produce. Generally you can take good photographs with a 3MP camera.


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How to Fix the Resolution on Envision Computer MonitorsXll.jpg"> TS Jordan

TS Jordan is an Ohio licensed attorney living and practicing out of the Cleveland area. In addition to his Juris Doctorate, he holds a Bachelors' Degree in Information Systems. He has been writing professionally for less than a year.
By TS Jordan, eHow Contributor

Envision flat-screen computer monitors come with a "native" resolution, which is the resolution that exactly matches the number of pixels included on the monitor. Setting the resolution to the native standard will therefore produce the best image quality. You can utilize the display properties tools in your computer's operating system to fix your Envision monitor's resolution.

Read more: How to Fix the Resolution on Envision Computer Monitors ' eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6666424_fix-resolution-envision-computer-monitors.html#ixzz2DLKKQZ4M


Changing resolution

You set the resolution in the printer driver before sending the data to the printer. Exactly where this will be will depend on which OS you are using and which software / driver you have installed.

The words 'Auto Adjustment' keep appearing on the monitor screen. If I pull the mains lead from the monitor screen, it temporarily clears the message, but it soon returns. Help please!

hi, How do u do?? You must select the right resolution for your monitor, if you tell me the exact model name, I will tell you which resolution is best for your monitor. usually the last option in resolution list (windows resolution setting) is the prefect one, but sometime it's not correct.

Ubuntu Screen Problem

try resolution change or refresh rate look in system files i know linux is hard the first time unbuntu forums .com helped me a lot a lot of questions answered there just trying to help with some sites i used without typing answers and don't want to confuse you

Hello i purchased a philips 20PFL4122 lcd tv/pc monitor and i have a problem when i set the resolution on my pc to 640/480 as instucted in the user manual the pages are to large to fit the the screen when...

I have bad news for you.

The monitor you bought (Great Price by the way) is working exactly as designed. The problem is the 640 x 480 resolution. Almost all internet content now days is scaled for either 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 resolution. This is why every time you open a page you have to pan both left and right and up and down to see the entire page.

LCD monitiors are designed for a fixed resolution unlike CRT (TV Tube) monitors that can display different resolutions with equal clarity. This is why when you go to a higher resolution the screen is almost impossible to read.

Since your optimal resolution is 640 x 480, that is the only resolution that displays clearly. That is great for a TV, but sorely lacking as a computer monitor. It is also why the monitor was such a good price (a definite case of you get what you pay for here). So the unfortunate answer is that the monitor will never be satisfactory when used on the internet.

Systems need to rebooth

Sorry, but what exactly is your problem? Did you loose your file or is it about the changing of the resolution? please clarify?

Resolution problem . . . .

Resolution is normally set from the "Personalize" option of control panel. Under display settings it should say something like "Generic PnP monitor on NVIDIA MCP67M" above where the resolution slider is.

If this has changed to "Generic PnP monitor on (unknown) then your problem lies with the display driver. Visit Nvidia's site for the latest all in one driver for Vista that is suitable for your laptop.


PAL is the European lines of resolution, NTSC is a stateside. In nutshell PAL has more lines of resolution but won't work in the states unless you have a screen that will accept both.


Resolution refers to the number of pixels or dots per inch (dpi) in an image. Basically, the more dpi that a photo has, the sharper an image is. High resolution is important if you are going to be printing photos (look for a photo-capable printer that has a high resolution, say 4800 x 1200 dpi). If you’ll be e-mailing your images, you may want to save your photos at a lower resolution for faster file downloads. Digital camera resolution is measured in megapixels (1MP equals one million pixels), so the higher the MP capacity a camera has, the higher quality of images it will produce. Generally you can take good photographs with a 3MP camera.
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