HP iPAQ RX3115 Pocket PC Logo

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Anonymous Posted on Sep 08, 2005

HELP Rx3115 today screen help

When i turn on my ipaq and tap any of the programs on the today screen (or basically anywhere on the screen) the programs window opens up. I dont know how i managed to set my ipaq to do that but i need help turing this open off!

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  • Posted on Sep 08, 2005
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Did you try doing a soft reset? Switching off and on again does not reset your ipaq. You will not loose any info.

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Related Questions:


I need a hard reset for my hp ipaq rx3115

Look at the very bottom of your iPAQ. Screen should be facing up. To the far left of the charger port there is a small black circle. Use a ball point pen, or other small diameter object, and insert the tip into the black hole to firmly but gently "tap" the button that is inset in the hole. This should activate a hard reset. Do not touch or otherwise mess with any buttons while the reset is in progress. Depending on what is loaded on your iPAQ this could take a few minutes.

I have a fairly new HP iPAQ RX3115. I bought the charger today which also came with a USB cable to plug my iPAQ into my computer. When I connected my iPAQ with the USB charger, and plugged it in the...

2005 new, 12 years old, is new? really, and is no longer supported by HP, after 10 years.

my guess is the battery is toast,
never seen any battery last 12 years, ever.
not by a mile.
this thing has no value now.
if its LOVED, (why) then buy 2 and learn to fix them.
be like only on earth wanting to...
why not get a tablet.? modern.

here is all there is. RTM and get a new battery first.



IPaq rx3115 screen unresponsive

Bad screen if the driver was bad they would tell you that you are having a problem with the driver

My ipaq its turning on autmaticaly, a virus? any free anti virus?

This can occur if you have the system settings enabled (checked) to verify/confirm the time.

Also, check your activesync settings.
Unit may wake up to autosync.
Try changing your today screen timeout settings.

Lost sound

So there's another icon at top of Today screen - a loudspeaker icon - tap on that and make sure it's not muted or all the way down.

Rx3115 won't show close button

Jul 14, 2005 18:26:04 GMT unassigned Well, this isn't a solution, but rather a way to work with it until you find the solution. On my rx3715, I have something called iTask. I have a button I can press on the unit that brings it up, or I can go to Programs and tap on iTask. Once it's up, I can see which programs are running and close one or all of them. Another way, if you don't have iTask or something like it, is to use your memory settings to close programs. On mine, I go to Settings>Memory and then the Running Programs tab. From there I can "stop" any program. I know this doesn't solve the problem, but now at least you'll be able to close all those programs. For a solution, I'd try doing a soft reset. If that doesn't work, do a hard reset. Maybe someone else will have some better ideas.

Ipaq rx3115 doesnt turn on!

I am guessing that you have made sure that it is fully charged. If it is, since you have only had it a week I would try a hard reset. I don't know if the 3115 has them but check to make sure that any battery door lock switches are locked.

Soft Reset

Just loaded a safe mode program to my iPAQ, and now it seems to reset without any problems, even when not connected to the sync cable.

My backroud

On the rx3715, the background on the Today screen can be changed from Settings>Today. From there various themes can be selected and used. Also, if there is another picture I want to use as my background, I can browse and select it from the same screen.

Rx3115 locking up

To execute a hard boot on the iPAQ rx3115, the manual says to "while pressing the two outside buttons on front of iPAQ, press the recessed reset button on bottom." Hope it Helps... Wirzan
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