I can't seem to place an image from my Nikon camera into my presentation (or other) program. I get an error or warning message about problems with the file?
Nikon digital cameras record images in the "EXIF" (Exchangeable Image File Format) file type. Even though the file name (when shooting compressed files) ends in ".jpg" it is not a regular JPEG image. This format includes not only the JPEG picture data but also the shooting information (f/stop, shutter speed, lens, etc.) and other text-based data. Writing this type of information is part of the global "DCF" standard for images from digital cameras. Some applications do not properly read this data and will display various errors and warning when opening these files. The only way to use an image in one of these programs is to open it in an image-editing program and save the file to a new file name. This changes the file from an EXIF image and saves it into whatever format is chosen, stripping out all of the extra data. Contact the developer of the program which does not properly open EXIF files for possible updates.
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