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Anonymous Posted on Aug 30, 2005

How many photos can I take each time I charge the battery?

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  • Posted on Aug 30, 2005
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Joined: Aug 29, 2005

One recharging will last for about 80 shots when the flash is used half the time and the LCD Monitor is turned on, and about 200 shots when the flash is used half the time and the LCD Monitor is turned off.

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Related Questions:


WHY DOES MY CAMERA take 10 photos & my new recahrgeable batteries die!

Not really. The only "extra" energy required is the use of the flash and 10 photos should not affect that. You said it was a "new" battery? You might take it back to where you bought it. Are you giving it enough time on the charger to fully charge? If the battery is new, your first charge should at least night.
Good Luck

Will a laptop battery become damaged if you use the computer while it is plugged in? I do a lot of photo editing, and leave the computer plugged in for long periods of time, so that it doesn't di

If the laptop battery is more than 3 - 4 years old then the battery could be worn out. Rechargeable batteries have a finite number of charge and discharge cycles and will lose their charge capacity over time, i.e. won't charge to 100% and gradually the charge reduces until the battery won't charge up at all. OR The battery shows a 100% charge but when the adapter is disconnected the battery drops off to zero capacity in a very short time. If the battery drops to an unacceptable charge level then the battery needs to be replaced. Rechargeable batteries will fail if stored in a discharged state for long periods.
Laptop batteries vary from laptop to laptop. i suggest you Google the Internet for a battery for your model laptop.

The charger red light kept blinking while im trying to charge the batteries. after charge the battery overnight, the battery went dead after i took a few photos. does the problem lies in battery or...

Welcome to FixYa.

Red light indicates that the battery is charging. The light will goes off to inform you the charging is complete. Possible that the battery was alreay damaged since you left it charging overnight. Charging time is approximately 5 hours only.

I suggest that you have to replace your battery with a new one.

Feel free to send us your suggestion or comments if this solution was helpful.

Thank you for using FixYa.

When I am taking photos, it will flash about 3 photos and then takes 6-9 seconds before it recharges and will take again. I miss many good shots while waiting on the flash to operate. I have a fully...

Lower the fflash power setting if posible,\. Then you will have to open the aperture more or use a slower shutter speed. This is true wether using the camera built in flash or an external flash. Even with freshly charged batteries, the capacitor that releases the charge to the flash tube will lose all charge and have to be recharged. Lowering the output releases mless charge from that capacitor. Like drinking from a glass, smaller gulps=more drinking time.

Does the battery charge window only appear when the batteries are low? Should I only charge the batteries then or every time I come home and download the photos? What is best for the batteries (NIMH AA)?

NiMH batteries don't have the "memory" problem NI-Cad batteries do. It won't hurt them to recharge them before they're empty. Whether you wait to charge them until they need it is up to you. The most important thing is to make sure they're charged before you go off on an important shoot.

Camera drains charged batteries

Most likely your batteries are just not holding a charge. However, before you spend good money on new batteries, try charging them on another charger (friend or sympathetic photo shop?). Could be the charger also. Usually it's the batteries, though.

Charged battery for first time

The battery does not work at all/the charger was shut down.

Red Flash mark while taking photo

It sounds to me like you are not waiting for the camera to charge the flash when turning the camera on or between shots. It seems you are using 1700mAh batteries and most modern digital cameras are better off using 2500mAh batteries. Your camera was released in September 2006 so it is considered "modern". With 1700mAh batteries, your flash (warm-up) recycle time time will be rather long or the amperage may not be enough to fully charge the flash unit. I highly recommend Duracell 2500mAh rechargeable batteries.
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