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Anonymous Posted on Aug 29, 2005

"Nikon software does not run on this Operating System" Error Message

When trying to install Nikon software I get the message that "Nikon Capture does not run on this Operating System"? I am using Windows 98SE, which is an approved OS, what is wrong?

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  • Posted on Aug 29, 2005
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Joined: Aug 29, 2005

When attempting to install Nikon Capture or PictureProject on certain Windows 98SE systems the following error messages may present themselves: This message is caused by the registry key value for the "SubVersionNumber" on the version of Windows. If the system contains SubVersionNumber "B" Nikon Capture and PictureProject will not install on the system. Below are instructions on how to manually edit the System Registry to change the SubVersionNumber Registry Key to allow for Nikon Capture and Picture Project to install. Manually editing the System Registry requires vigilance and care because a mistake could cause errors with the System. Be extremely careful when editing these keys. Nikon is not responsible for any loss due to problems with registry key editing. To manually edit the System’s Registry: 1) Quit all running applications 2) Click on "Start" then "Run…" Type the following in the run command line: "regedit" 3) Click "OK" and the registry editor will open 4) Click "Edit" from the menu bar and choose "Find" 5) Type "4.10.2222" into the "Find What:" field 6) Click "Find Next" The results will appear in the column on the right. The Version Number will be highlighted. 7) Click on "SubVersionNumber" once. 8) Go to "Edit" on the menu bar and choose "Modify" 9) The current Value data will read B. 10) Change "Value data" to " A" (MAKE SURE THERE IS A SPACE BEFORE THE A) 11) Go to "Registry" in the menu bar and choose "Exit" 12) Confirm the change has taken effect. Right-click on "My Computer", choose "Properties". 13) The version value should reflect "4.10.2222 A" Nikon Capture and Picture Project can now be installed and run on this system.

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