Kodak EasyShare CX7530 Digital Camera Logo
Anonymous Posted on Aug 29, 2005

"Internal memory requires formatting."

The camera screen displays the message "Internal memory requires formatting." What should I do?

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  • Posted on Aug 29, 2005
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This error message indicates that the internal memory in the camera requires formatting or is corrupt. You must format the internal memory. CAUTION: Formatting deletes all pictures and videos, including those that are protected. Removing a memory card during formatting may damage the card. (Formatting internal memory also erases email addresses and album names. To restore addresses and albums, see Kodak EasyShare software Help.)

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Error code 94:01 is an internal memory error. If you still get the error after reformatting the card or trying a different one, it's an electronic issue usually used by component failure and requires replacement of a circuit board within the camera.
Jul 12, 2014 • Cameras

Its a Sony DCR-SX41 and it is telling me internal memory format error and all my videos ar gone and i can no longer record

I'm sorry that the Camcorder is displaying the error message. The error message indicates that the format of the internal memory is corrupted. It may be due to the deletion of Camcorder's default files from the internal memory. It can happen when connecting to Computer and browse using Windows Movie Maker. To avoid happening this in the future, please transfer videos and pictures using Picture Motion Browser Software. Once you format the internal memory of the Camcorder, you will be able to use it for new recordings. Note: Formatting will delete all data and video stored in the Memory. You can follow the below steps to format the internal Memory.


Thanks for understanding. Please let me know if you require any clarifications.

"Memory full" displays on screen.

You still need to get rid of the pics on the internal memory. With no card in the camera, go into the menu and find "format" and follow the on screen instructions to erase the internal memory. Then, insert your card and it should work properly.

Kodak M320 with message "internal

You need to get rid of whatever is in the internal memory. With no card in the camera, go into the menu and find "format"....follow the on-screen instructions. Then, remember that all new cards must be formatted in the camera to work properly.

Can no longer copy from internal to memory card. Keeps saying "Memory card requires formatting." When I choose "continue" the camera tries formatting then goes back to the original screen saying "Memory...

In the manual, page 21 & 21 describe how to use the camera to format your choice of either the memory card OR the internal memory. If you format the internal memory, images stored there will be lost.

Once you format in the camera, you should be able to use the card if it is no larger than 2GB. It appears the camera does not support cards greater than 2GB.

Please rate this reply - good luck!

My Fujifilm S5800 displays the following message..'card not initialized'. And will not allow you to do anything. Can anybody shed some light on this? thanks


My manual sugests the following for that error:

The memory card or internal memory is not formatted or the memory card was formatted in a computer or other device.
Fix: Format the memory card or internal memory using the Format option in the camera setup menu option.

The memory card requires cleaning.
Fix: Clean the memory card contacts with a soft dry cloth. If problem persists, format the memory card.

Camera malfunction.
Fix: Contact a Fuji dealer.

Hope this helps.

Error message - Memory card requires formating

Before suspecting the camera, I'd simply try another memory card in it. Memory cards can and do fail and often can behave inconsistently before they fail completely.

The camera screen displays a "Memory card requires formatting" error message. What should I do?

This error message means that the card is corrupted or formatted for another digital camera. Turn off the camera. Insert a new card or format the card. CAUTION: Formatting deletes all pictures and videos, including those that are protected. Removing a card during formatting may damage the card.

"Memory card requires formatting"

This error message means that the card is corrupted or formatted for another digital camera. Turn off the camera. Insert a new card or format the card. CAUTION: Formatting deletes all pictures and videos, including those that are protected. Removing a card during formatting may damage the card.

The camera screen displays error message

This error message means that the card is corrupted or formatted for another digital camera. Turn off the camera. Insert a new card or format the card. CAUTION: Formatting deletes all pictures and videos, including those that are protected. Removing a card during formatting may damage the card.
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