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Posted on Aug 09, 2008

Application Watcher Main Thread?

Problem started recently when i turn on the phone, screen tells me that application closed. Application Watcher MainThread. Reason code USER reason number 11.  Alos it tells me on Information not enough memory.  Checked my memory Internal memory is 27 out of 156MB and Memory card 49 out of 467MB

  • 8 more comments 
  • rolly5 Aug 21, 2008

     I dont know if this would help others who may have the same problem as I did with my P1 but what i did was to just take out my sim card and put it back and turned on my phone and viola no more message application watcher ...etc.  Hope this will help.  I didnt take the advise of doing a master reset.

  • Anonymous Dec 06, 2008

    exactly the same

  • girlgeek2 Dec 24, 2008

    I have a SE p990i and have exactly the same problem also. I hanged to new sim card, updated to new ATT network, and now the problem is worse. Error message is now almost continuous, plus the phone has started turning itself off :-((

  • Anonymous Jan 03, 2009

    i've also updated the software of my phone but there is no solution . . .

  • Anonymous Jan 04, 2009

    ya, the same problem, and it continues hundreds of times, i cannot receive msg.

  • thekaisho Jan 14, 2009

    Hey guys Im in Germany, also have a Sony P1i fon and have the exact
    same problem with the WatcherMainThread, I also cant send any sms, they
    are all pending on the sent folder. When I turn my fon off suddenly I
    get 15 sms from the last days or weeks. How come noone knows anything
    about it? Is it a virus, a trojan horse for mobiles??????? Who is
    watching and what, sms only maybe fon calls as well?? I will check here again if ever someone knows something useful.

  • ianlkh Feb 18, 2009

    I also hv the same problem..went back to sonyericsson service centre here and they have no idea as well....This problem really makes me want to change my phone to other brands. Damn it!

  • rahulbhusari Feb 20, 2009

    Same problem. Precisely same thing is happening. It happened a fort night ago. I kept pressing "continue" and after 4 days the problem solved!!!
    Now it has recurred. 
    Another observation, when I switch on the phone, pending message pour in (when this message occurs...reason Application Main Thread etc..., the messages stop coming). 
    There is no other problem...

  • Anonymous Feb 23, 2009

    Holla, I had a same problem, it appear when I restart My P1i. It blocks all the incoming message but after restart all pending message received. Did anyone try to format the phone? Is it works?

  • Anonymous Apr 15, 2009

    Just like what everyone else in this thread has been saying... I only have 70 messages in my In box, 22 in the Sent box, 0 in the Out Box... What's going on and how do I solve this?


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  • Posted on Feb 24, 2009
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Friends, this I got from allaboutsymbian website. And I already try the Test1 and it works!!!
Hope this could be much of help......

I had the exact same problem and have solved it by updating the firmware and reloading my settings from at saved bile, but it is rather time consuming.

The solution by deleting all the messages in the inbox worked perfectly fine Application Watcher Main Thread? - smile.gif
Though nothing haapend when i only deleted the outbox and sent.

I assume that the problem is caused by the message server (the small program handleing you enter to send and read messages)

I descuvered that when my phone was put into offline mode, and re-entering to normal mode , I could not open the message server.
After deleting all messages this problem has been resolved aswell.

Maybe the message server is having problem handleing to many messages.
The amount of space left on my phone was not a problem eather, arround 30 M and the insert card was empty.
but i had over 1300 messages in my inb ox when the problem started occuring.

If any ojne else is experiencing this problem, pleace keep on debugging and tributed with more result.
This will make it easyer to conclude on the results and finally determine why it is happening, based on when.

Test1 : (Is the issue resolved only when inbox being emptyed)
Here is what you do :
1. Delete all you messages - 1 in your inbox,
2. Restart the phone,
3. Send an sms to yourself.
4. Write a reply on this threat weather youi got the message or not.

if it is not resolved. please continue with 2. test

Test2 : (Is this allways resolved by emptying the indbox)
1. Delete ALL you messages in the inbox
2. Restart the phone,
3. Send an sms to yourself.
4. Write a reply on this threat weather youi got the message or not.

If the problem is stille not resolved then you have to reset the phone.

Test 3.
First of all, you must save all you phone settings, phonebook sms(despite you just deleted them all, save it anyways!) phone settings. etc.
and then reset it.

1. Save all files
2 Reset you phone by typing in *#7370#.
3. Restart the phone,
4. Send an sms to yourself.
5. Write a reply on this threat weather youi got the message or not.

If this works, then restore one of the save configurations at a time and test weather it still works.

  • coolgozo Oct 06, 2010

    Test 1 worked perfectly for me. I have P990i and apparently they have the same bug. Actually what i did, I deleted most of your msgs and the important ones i was able to move them to another folder. as soon as inbox was empty, new sms started to be received! Therefore important sms can be moved to another folder. the fix is to empty the inbox.
    thanks for your support.



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  • Posted on Apr 10, 2010
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I use the Tip #3 and my C.p is already fix tnx for fixya.......



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  • Posted on Aug 06, 2010
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Hi Friends, I have also faced the same problem from past one week, and was feeling bad about this msg that was frequently occurring by it self on my ( Sony Ericsson p1i ) and its
stopping all my incoming msg until and unless i re-start my phone the problem will not be re solved, and after re-start it starts again and again after 5 seconds.

Kind of msg that appears
in the phone:

(Application Closed)
Application = Watcher Main Thread
Reason Code = User
Reason Number = 11
plz do some on mail me the solution for this...



I have the same problem

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i am having the same problem. I have recently put on a new theme then it comes up "APPLICATION CLOSED" so i restart my phone. Now my phone wont load up fully. HELP !!!

Application. Main closed

you need to reformat the phone.

power off the phone and press and hold the green button, * , and 3 button
May 30, 2009 • Nokia 6600

Inital text of a thread

Firstly I have to say WOW, your fingers must be tired, it is a good job this phone has a keyboard.
If you go to Android Market on your phone and search for and download an application named "ChompSMS".
This is an SMS application which can be used alongside or instead of the defaut SMS application on the phone.
Once it is installed, open it up and you will see that it shows all your message threads in a slightly different interface (looks a lot like iPhones sms UI)
You will have to scroll to the top of your massive SMS thread once but when you delete a message it will stay in the same position rather than go back to the latest message. This should make deleting a lot of the earlier messages in the thread easier.
Once you are done you can remove the application. This will not effect the messages in any way since the application is just a front end for the SMS' on your telephone.
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Application closed error

open massage inbox sow below error
application closed

My nokia n81 automaticly quit applycations and menu...

click and hold menu button, you should see all the applications that are currently running, select them one by one and close all of them keeping the "phone" application only.

then click once to open the menu.

you can also turn off the phone then on again. but make sure to fully EXIT the application after you finish using it. this will keep your batter life longer and save phone memory on your phone, it will also preform much faster.

let me know if this helped :)

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Try taking out the battery and leaving it out overnight then put back in and try to turn on again. If this doesn't help, then your phone's software needs to be flashed.
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