Sony CCD-TRV238 Camcorder Logo

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Posted on May 27, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Battery When I power on my handy cam , the massage appears on the screen " USE THE INFO LITHIUM BATTERY PACK " I have been checked the battery with multimeter. the battery voltage 7.7 between + and - , and 4.4 V between "C" (center terminal of battery) and -. Kishor Soni

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  • Master 10,594 Answers
  • Posted on May 28, 2008
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Joined: May 26, 2008

Dear Kishor Soni,
Your camera doesn't get information from terminal C of battery, thats why it gives such error message. Please check battery terminals at camera unit where you put/ install battery, aspecially C terminal. it can be rusty or dirty.

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Dewalt 2.6Ah 18V battery showing charged on meter but no power when put into drill

test the battery with a multi tester then if there is power your drill is the problem.

Will the P110 charger charge a lithium ion battery

No, the P110, 18V NiCad battery charger, will not charge a 18V lithium ion battery. You need one of the dual-chemistry chargers. If you have the Ryobi ONE+ batteries, you can get the P117 charger ($30) or a charger with an extra battery (P126) from a store like Home Depot. A 6 battery charger and a 12V in-car charger are also available.

I wish that I had better news for you.

Cindy Wells
(who has the Ryobi 12V drill and charger, a few of the 4V tools, and a number of the ONE+ 18V devices and chargers. The single chemistry battery charger is not used much any more.)

Multi color circle lines on images

I suggest that you perform a manual power resetting and check the operation.

Performing a manual power reset

  1. Turn off the camera.
  2. Remove the battery pack.
  3. Remove the button-sized lithium battery.
  4. Allow the camera to remain without power for 30 seconds.
  5. Reinsert the button-sized lithium battery.
  6. Reinsert the battery pack.
  7. Turn on the camera.

Screen goes black shortly after turning on

I'm sorry that the screen goes black shortly after turning on the camcorder. I suggest that you perform a manual power reset and check the operation. Follow the steps to perform a manual power reset:
  1. Turn off the camcorder.
  2. Disconnect AC power adapter.
  3. Remove the battery pack.
  4. Remove the lithium button-cell battery.
  5. Move the POWER switch to the CAMERA position for 15 seconds.
  6. Move the POWER switch to the OFF position.
  7. Reinsert the lithium button-cell battery.
  8. Reconnect the AC power adapter or reinsert the battery pack.
  9. Turn on the camcorder.

I have a black and decker handymixer and it will no longer charge. the charger base number is 171695-00. the numbers on the hand mixer are cat number 9220 type 1 2.4 v DC Is there a replacement...

I find no current sources for that battery pack.

41B030AC18301 9724

I believe this is a two cell lithium assembly for 2.4V. If your handy and can open the pack without damage it may be possible to get replacement cells and rebuild the pack.

Hi, The shutter on my sony dsc - p73 will not open all of a sudden is there any hope of being able to sort this?

I'm sorry that the shutter of the sony dsc - p73 will not open. I suggest that you perform a power reset and check the operation.

Performing a manual power reset
  1. Turn off the camera.
  2. Remove the battery pack.
  3. Remove the button-sized lithium battery.
  4. Allow the camera to remain without power for 30 seconds.
  5. Reinsert the button-sized lithium battery.
  6. Reinsert the battery pack.
  7. Turn on the camera
If the issue is not resolved, service will be requred.

What is the right battery to Minolta XG-1?

check the following
Energizer 3V Lithium Camera Battery - EVR2L76BP
Energizer Silver Oxide 1.5V Watch Battery - EVR357-303TS
Duracell 1/3 N-Cell Lithium Battery 1 Pack - DL1/3NBPK
Energizer Silver Oxide 1.5V Watch Battery 3-Pack - EVR357BP-3


Digital 8 sony handycam will not stay on with electrical power

Check battery placement connector, center pin has some problem and not sending info-lithium signal to camera system control.

You might need to replace this battery connector and this requires to open camera.
If you have some experience in camera repair, let me know to guide you further.


I need to set the camcorder to default settings

For most models, removing the battery pack from the camcorder will restore the default settings; however, some models which contain an EZ Q button, store your settings and removing the battery pack will have no impact on these settings. The Lithium battery maintains the clock function and preset contents of the memory; even if the Battery pack or AC Power adapter is removed. Removing the Lithium Battery along with the Battery pack will restore the default settings.
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