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Posted on May 05, 2008

I have INSIGNIA DVD player. Couple days ago the player lost video output. Thank you.

1 Answer



Make sure that the proper output was selected in the DVD menu and that the progressive scanning feature was turned off. Use the composite video output instead the Y Pb Pr.

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just use an rca connector, connect one end of the connector usually 3 wires for video and audio L/R.hooked up to the video/audio output jack of the dvd player and then the other end to the component input jack of the tv unit either input 1, 2 or 3.

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just press the menu either in the remote controller or in the tv panel. and then go to channel set up this time you can delete channel and can add channel you want and then save in the memory.

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From what I can see in this product picture, the cable is a standard s-video connector, which you can buy online (here's a 6' one from amazon, and here's a 25' one if you want to put the wiring under the seats or something.)

You can also buy it at Wal-Mart or similar -- here's a product link there.

If this helps, please be sure to hit the "Thumbs Up" for me!

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Hi when it starts the movies in the middle what does it do after.kindly answer the question then i will be able to help you.thanks email me at [email protected] with your answer see soon.
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