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Posted on May 05, 2008

I cannot change the message tone on samsung j700. there are no sound settings, only profile settings, yet in the profile settings the only option is to change the ringtone and ringtone volume, there is no option to change the message alert tone.how do i change the message alert tone?

  • gershy Dec 11, 2008

    how do i get into message tones on j700

  • Anonymous Mar 06, 2009

    i cannot seem to find out how to change my message tones any ideas ?


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  • Posted on Apr 18, 2009
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It took me many hours to work it out!
- Menu.
- Settings.
- Phone settings.
- Phone profiles.
- Select (highlight) the one you want &.
- Select OPTIONS with the left soft key.
- Click Edit (1).
- Use the directional key (right) to highlight the New Messages.
- Scroll down to Message Alert.
- Left soft key OPTIONS & select edit (as above).
- Then click the directional key until you hit either Downloaded Music or sounds (depending on where you stored your sound file).
- Select your file.
- Left soft key & select SAVE.
- Then that's it, done!

Please email me with if it works for u or not. [email protected]

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How to set message tones in samsung champ..?

see, go to your profiles and scroll down... there will be options like "message tone 1" and "message tone 2" etc... u can change it there.. :)

How to change msg tone in samsung cordby speed,,,,,,cdma.....plzzzz help me out !!!!!!!!

menu -> settings -> phone profiles -> on the opposite site of normal profile you have sign like >> in square, click on them, now on the right top corner you see option like incoming then click on "incoming" option it displays three option incoming, new messages and phone sound. click on "new messages" then you can change the message tone surely.

How to change the message tone on samsung corby

For the Samsung corby pro, go to settings from the main menu. open the phone profiles, select the normal profile, then access the uppermost drop down box (which should say incoming call by default) select the new messages option, scroll down to the message alert tone and viola.
you can choose from the default tones or even or even upload one of your own by clicking the sound button.

How can i change my message tone on my samsung f480 from the standard tones set on the phone

Instead of changing the ringtone settings, tap the message alert tab (in the top centre of the display).
A set of message alert settings appears . You can change the Message alert type, if you want to, by tapping the panel and choosing the appropriate option.
To change the Message alert tone, press the Message alert tone panel .
In the menu that appears, press Change.
Then choose one of the options Use effect tone (one of Samsung's pre-loaded effects) or Use my alert tone (allowing you to choose from your own sounds) .
In this example, press Use my alert tone.
Press the Sounds option. In a similar way as changing ringtones (above) you now have the choice of choosing from your Music files, Ringtones that are loaded onto the phone, or My voice clips .
In our example, we'll again choose a file from our Music folder.
Press the Music option. A list of suitable MP3 tracks appears.
Tap the one you want in order to highlight it.
Press Options, then tap on the Select menu option to install it as your message alert .
You are now taken back to the Normal profile settings, where the Message alert tone has changed .
To save this change, press Options and then Save .
Alternatively, press Back and you will be asked whether you want to Save? Press Yes

I have a Samsung SGH-A777 and cannot find where I can change my incoming text message tone. Can anyone help?

From main menu, settings (9). In settings, click on sound profile (1). Select any of the four options. In any option, use right cursor key to move from calls to messages. Simply scroll down to type and change your message tone to anything available on the list. Then save. Keep in mind that this tone will only work in this profile. You can have a different alert tone for phone and messaging for each profile.
Nov 11, 2009 • Cell Phones

How can i change my text message tone on my samsung f480 thaks

Please Follow these steps to change
  1. From the standby screen, press Menu.
  2. In the main Menu, press Settings.
  3. In the Settings menu, select Phone profiles and press.
  4. You will be presented with a list of phone profiles for different situations and environments. The one you're currently using will be ticked. Highlight the one you want to use and press the Edit button at the bottom of the display.
  5. You are taken into the profile settings. At the top of the list you'll notice three tab icons - these represent (from left to right), ringtone, message alert, and keypad sounds. You can switch between settings for these by tapping one of the tabs.
  6. Tap the message alert tab (in the top centre of the display). A set of message alert settings appears. You can change the Message alert type, if you want to, by tapping the panel and choosing the appropriate option.
  7. To change the Message alert tone, press the Message alert tone panel. In the menu that appears, press Change. Then choose one of the options Use effect tone (one of Samsung's pre-loaded effects) or Use my alert tone (allowing you to choose from your own sounds). In this example, press Use my alert tone.
  8. Press the Sounds option (Figure 16). In a similar way as changing ringtones (above) you now have the choice of choosing from your Music files,Ringtones that are loaded onto the phone, or My voice clips. In our example, we'll again choose a file from our Music folder.
  9. Press the Music option. A list of suitable MP3 tracks appears. Tap the one you want in order to highlight it.
  10. Press Options, then tap on the Select menu option to install it as your message alert.
  11. You are now taken back to the Normal profile settings, where the Message alert tone has changed. To save this change, press Options and then Save. Alternatively, press Back and you will be asked whether you want to Save? Press Yes.
Thank you Sir, Have a nice day.

I have samsung tocco lite i m trying to change mesage tone but cant find da option in my phone

U can change the message tone to what u want from the main screen click menu then settings -phone profiles-click arrows next to profile u want to change in the top right corner click the arrow choose new messages click message alert tone at the. Bottom click sounds and find the tone u want can even use music hope this helps

Lost instrutions for samsung j700 need to change ring tone but how?

To change your ringtone: - In Idle mode, press <Menu> -> Settings -> Phone Settings -> Phone profiles - Scroll to a profile - Press <Options> -> Edit -> Voice call ringtone - Select a ringtone category -> a ringtone - Press <Options> -> Save profile
By the way, you can download your Samsung J700 Manual here: > Link < Hope this helps.
Apr 16, 2009 • Cell Phones

Change the message tone on samsung g600 and u900

You Can Change The Ringtones Of Messages By Going To
Menu> Settings> Phone Settings> Profiles>Normal> Options> Edit> Press Right Button> Down And Change There!!
Hope It Help Youu =]
Nov 27, 2008 • Cell Phones

Message tones on the samsung u900 soul

go to settings, then choose phone settings. In phone settings go to phone profiles, normal is highlighted click options, then edit, then ok. Click the right arrow then go to message alert tone, click on options then change and ok. Go to use my alert tone choose your tone go to options and click down and select then ok. Then job done.
Jul 13, 2008 • Cell Phones
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