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Posted on May 04, 2008
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Freezer only freezing to -6 then a few hours later going to plus 6 then back again to -6

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  • Posted on May 04, 2008
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Maybe the thermostat.. Is the compressor running for excessively long periods of time? What model/brand of fridge?

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My freezer has a different code number;ZFT710FW.I put quite a lot of food into the freezer yesterday and the alarm now keeps sounding,I have put the temperature up but the red light is still flashing...

Red Alarm Indicator Light
Under normal operating conditions, the internal temperature of the freezer will ensure the long-term conservation of the stored food. When such temperature rises above a certain level (-12 °C), the appliance will trigger an acoustic and light alarm. The light alarm is a blink red light (Red Alarm Indicator Light), while the acoustic alarm is an intermittent sound.
You can stop the acoustic alarm by pressing the Acoustic Signal Stop Switch once.

When switching on the freezer for the first time, the Red Alarm Indicator Light will blink until the internal temperature has reached a level required for the safe conservation of frozen food.

Fast Freeze function
If more than 3-4 kg of food is to be frozen:
1. Press the Fast Freeze Switch for 2-3 seconds to activate the fast-freeze function 6-24 hours before placing the fresh food in the freezer, the Yellow Fast Freeze Indicator Light will illuminate. The compressor will now run continuously, to ensure that the fresh food is frozen as quickly as possible.
2. It is possible to deactivate the function at any time by pressing the Fast Freeze Switch for 2-3 seconds.
3. Place the foods in the freezing compartments (indicated with graphics).
4. Once the food is completely frozen (it may take up to 24 hours) you can manually switch off the fastfreeze function by pressing the Fast Freeze Switch for 2- 3 seconds and the Yellow Fast Freeze Indicator light will also go out.
5. Move frozen food from the freezing compartments into the other compartments (storing compartments) to make room for another freezing.

If the Fast Freeze Switch is accidentally left on, the fast-freeze function will be automatically switched off 48 hours later. The Yellow Fast Freeze Indicator light will also go out.

I believe that you all understand. If you intend to freeze larger amount of food then certainly a few hours before some shopping switch on the fast freeze function.


Kenmore freezer gets cold and freezes but then completely dethaws itself

usually when aq defrost timer goes bad it gets stuck in defrost. I would suggest replacing this first

Freezer not freezing and blowing luke cold air. Fan running full time.

rotate the defrost heater timer until it clicks and see if the defrost heater is working

I have a Roper RT21LMXKQ00 Freezer wont freeze

The problem is a defrost problem. The freezer coil has frost on it and thus restricts the cold air from flowing. This affects the refrigerator as it gets its cold air from the freezer. The ice will not make if the temperature is above 12*F and this also is why ice cream is like mush.

Fan running,both cold settings at 4 , freezer 14 degrees C

you need to replace the start components on the compressor, theres a relay that mounts on to the compressor that takes out the start winding after it starts the compressor up. You can also try whats called a three in one to try to start up the unit. Good Luck.

Kenmore fridge stopped cooling

sounds like its freezing up on you. check the drain outlet and make sure that its clear. also i would replace the defrost timer on this unit because its suppose to bring on the heaterfs to melyt the ice so thaat yoiu don't have to. they are around 30 mdollars at the appliancew repair store and all you need is the model number and serial number for the uit. after you get it it's either on the very top of the refrigerator section or in the very back. It has 4 wires going to it. good luck.

Frigidaire- Freezer side is defrosting

if door not sealing then air gets in and the moisture in the air freezes on the evaporator and blocks air flow. fault may well cure itself after a few days assuming the door is now sealing ok

Freezer/Refrigerator tempurature swinging wildly

The compressor is overheating and not starting. Could be just the start relay. If this happens again try unplugging it for about an hour then it should work for a while. Heat between doors is normal this is an electric heater designed to keep the doors from sweating. You just noticed it because the refrigerator wasn't cold.
Jun 26, 2008 • Freezers

Freezer works fine...refrigerator section

Have you noticed more frost in the freezer than usual? It sounds like you may have moisture building up and freezing around evaporator fan. The fan blade hitting ice will cause the buzzing until it stops it completely or the evaporator clogs with frost and blocks airflow. If you have frost on food in freezer, check the door seals and make sure nothing is keeping doors from closing completely if you release them about 6" from cabinet.
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