I cannot get my Treo to go into phone mode - buttons nor getting at the phone from a menu work. I cannot call out or receive calls because I cannot turn the phone on. Never has happened before and did not correct with a soft reset or the reset where you hold the UP button and push the reset button. HELP!
I experienced the same problem while traveling this weekend. The green phone button and anything associated to the phone all of a sudden stopped working. No call out and none in. I hotsync'd and also did a "hard reset" except I said yes and then went in and hotsync'd again. Phone now works again and all data is back
I was having the same problem and finally got it working by starting to do a hard reset, then selecting 'No' when prompted to erase all data. See PalmSupport for details. I then installed the software upgrade for good measure. (Treo 755p)
Usually answered in minutes!
650 treo phone will not turn on, the palm remains active i tried various resets but they do not help still no phone access
I too have the same problem, my phone works in palm pilot mode but when i try to power the phone on to make calls the welcome screen comes up but then the phone stays off or sometimes it says network search and when i try to make a call it says "the phone is off would you like to turn it on now" does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Okay, this is too strange. It is May 26th, 2008 and I also have the same problem. Any solutions would be greatly appreciated.
When the screen turns off, it does not light up when pressing the keys.
i am having the same problem too i am trying to make a phone call i can not get to the dial main phone screen i even selected a number from my contact list nothing happened. Is there is any way i can make phone call and fix this problem
Hi. I just had this. I deleted dome messages out of the phone, phone did a soft reset automatically and then I couldn't get to the phone screen. Never happened before in almost two years. Funny thing is, I could use my email package, it asked me to turn the phone on which I did from inside RoadSync, so the phone was connected to the Vodafone UK network but the phone screen wouldn't come up. I did a hard reset, restored using BackUp Buddy (if you don't have get it, it's great) and that fixed it, although the Treo did do a couple of soft resets. These happened when I selected a note against an item in my DateBk5 display screen. Never happened before. The only further problem was when I HotSynced: calendar sync hung, so I had to change the sync process to PC overwrites handheld for calendar - handheld overwrites PC wouldn't work, it hung too. No problem as I sync regularly. All okay now, it seems but I have another refurbished phone on order 'cos I run my life from this thing.