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ritchie abenojar Posted on May 04, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Asus laptop NTLDR missing

Asus laptop A8J series here is the case we have deleted the drive c: after that the pc hang up. we try to boot from cd/dvd at the bios we configured. then the laptop say NTLDR missing when the cd is inserted... please help me with these thanks in advance...

  • lonl Apr 19, 2009

    when i turn my asus laptop on a balck page comes out that says:

    NTLDR missing

    Press ctrl+alt+del to restart

    and when i do this it comes again

    and my laptop does not work so i dont know what to do so help me .


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  • Posted on May 06, 2008
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Hi supertwins,
Once you deleted the drive C: (You have trashed the operating system.
You're Asus driver CD will not help you at this stage.
Did you receive a restore CD? If yes you load that into the CDROM drive & boot to the CDROM.
(You do not have a restore CD)?
Than you are left with the Windows CD. Load the windows CD into the CD-ROM drive. Power up the notebook. Start pressing the F8 key on the keyboard. Soon you will see a screen that says: Please select boot device: Choose the CD-ROM drive that has the windows CD in it. High light the CDROM & press enter key. Windows should start to load. Follow the instructions on you're screen & install windows. During the install windows will restart & you will see: to load from CD press any key... (DO NOT TOUCH anything! Allow windows to continue all by it's self.
This same screen will come up at lease twice. (Just let it go).
When windows has finished you can than remove the windows CD & load the Asus CD into the notebook. Install all the software on the Asus CD. When finished installing the software from Asus, update windows through windows update service.
Good Luck!


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NTLDR is missing

NTLDR is missing" means that the Windows boot loader (NT Loader, NTLDR) cannot be found. This often occurs when the computer tries to boot from a drive other than the one Windows is installed on, due to a change in the drive configuration or because you left a bootable disk in a removable drive. But it may also be because the NTLDR file has been corrupted or deleted

  • Check that there are no CDs or DVDs in the CD/DVD drives.
  • Check that no removable drives are plugged in to the USB ports.
  • Check the boot order in the BIOS Setup to ensure that the computer boots from the drive containing Windows before any other bootable devices

  • However, if your computer is using Windows XP and you have a Windows XP installation CD you may be able to boot from this and use the Recovery Console to fix NTLDR manually .

    When we switch on the laptop we getting ntldr missing press any key to restart

    The error message "NTLDR is missing" means that the Windows boot loader (NT Loader, NTLDR) cannot be found.
    This often occurs when the computer tries to boot from a drive other than the one Windows is installed on, due to a change in the drive configuration or because you left a bootable disk in a removable drive. But it may also be because the NTLDR file has been corrupted or deleted
    First, check the boot drives to make sure that the computer is not trying to boot from a different drive to the one that contains Windows.
    • Check that there are no CDs or DVDs in the CD/DVD drives.
    • Check that no removable drives are plugged in to the USB ports.
    • Check the boot order in the BIOS Setup to ensure that the computer boots from the drive containing Windows before any other bootable devices.
    If this does not resolve the problem, you will have to repair the NT boot loader.
    However, if your computer is using Windows XP and you have a Windows XP installation CD you may be able to boot from this and use the Recovery Console to fix NTLDR manually instead.

    Error message on boot: NTLDR is missing. Set to

    Follow this link:

    than tell its solved or not.

    I connot open the showing NTLDR

    this could be the computer trying to boot off a USB device plugged into the computer.Check that you don't have any USB devices plugged in. and no CD in the drive. then reboot the computer.

    My eeepc says NTLDR is missing and I have tried to replace the software using an external drive but it wont start

    If you get the "NTLDR is Missing" error, follow these instructions:

    1. Load Windows XP CD into CD drive.
    2. Make sure BIOS is set to boot to CD drive.
    3. Boot the computer from CD.
    4. At menu, press "R" to load Recovery Console.
    5. Select the installation to be fixed.
    *The following instructions assume CD-ROM is labeled as drive D and the hard drive partition the windows installation is on is labeled as drive C. Replace the letters accordingly.
    6. Type "COPY D:\i386\ntldr C:\" and press ENTER.
    7. Type "COPY D:\i386\ C:\" and press ENTER.
    8. Remove CD and type "EXIT" and press ENTER (to reboot your computer).


    NTLDR is can i log-in to the windows?huhu..pls help

    NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to Restart hmm..there's still no effect even if i press Ctrl+Alt+Delete..what should i do?

    NTLDR missing issue

    1. Insert the Windows XP bootable CD into the computer.
    2. When prompted to press any key to boot from the CD, press any key.
    3. Once in the Windows XP setup menu press the "R" key to repair Windows.
    4. Log into your Windows installation by pressing the "1" key and pressing enter.
    5. You will then be prompted for your administrator password, enter that password.
    6. Copy the below two files to the root directory of the primary hard disk. In the below example we are copying these files from the CD-ROM drive letter, which in this case is "e." This letter may be different on your computer.

      copy e:\i386\ntldr c:\
      copy e:\i386\ c:\

    7. Once both of these files have been successfully copied, remove the CD from the computer and reboot.

    NTLDR is missing

    Fixes for NTLDR Errors
    1. Restart the PC. The NTLDR error could be a fluke.

    2. Check your floppy and optical (CD/DVD) drives for media. Often times, the "NTLDR is Missing" error will appear if your PC is trying to boot to a non-bootable floppy disk or CD/DVD.

      Note: If you find that this is the cause of your problem and it's happening a lot, you might want to consider changing the boot order in BIOS so the hard drive is listed first.

    3. Check the hard drive and other drive settings in BIOS and ensure they are correct. The BIOS configuration tells the computer how to use a drive so incorrect settings can cause problems, including NTLDR errors. There is usually an Auto setting for hard drive and optical drive configurations in BIOS which is usually a safe bet if you're not sure what to do.

    4. Restore the NTLDR and files from the Windows XP CD. Restoring these two important system files from the original Windows XP CD may do the trick.

    5. Repair or replace the boot.ini file. This will prevent the NTLDR error if the cause of the problem is a boot.ini file that is not configured properly for your Windows XP installation.

    6. Write a new partition boot sector to the Windows XP system partition. If the partition boot sector has become corrupt or isn't properly configured, you may receive the "NTLDR is Missing" error.

    7. Repair the Windows XP master boot record. NTLDR error messages may also appear if the master boot record is corrupt.

    8. Open your computer's case and ensure that the cable that connects the hard drive to the motherboard is firmly in place. If this does not resolve the issue, try replacing the cable. NTLDR error messages could be caused by loose or malfunctioning IDE cables.

    9. Update your motherboard's BIOS. Occasionally, an outdated BIOS version can cause the "NTLDR is Missing" error.

    10. Perform a repair installation of Windows XP. This type of installation should replace any missing or corrupt files. Continue troubleshooting if this does not resolve the issue.

    11. Perform a clean installation of Windows XP. This type of installation will completely remove Windows XP from your PC and install it again from scratch. While this will almost certainly resolve any NTLDR errors, it is a time consuming process due to the fact that all of your data must be backed up and then later restored.

      If you can't gain access to your files to back them up, understand that you will lose them all if you continue with a clean installation of Windows XP.

    12. Finally, if all else has failed, including the clean installation from the last step, you're most likely facing a hardware issue with your hard drive. Replace the hard drive and then perform a new installation of Windows XP.

    My Satellite A40/A45 Series won't boot up.

    If NTLDR is missing, you will need to do one of two things:

    1) follow this link and follow instructions to create a NTLDR boot disc and get back up and running


    2) boot to Windows CD and repair Windows installation

    Hope this helps - remember to rate :)


    check boot sequence in advanced bios set-up by pressing delete key when booting.make sure of the following
    1st boot-hdd(hardisk)
    2nd boot-cd rom drive
    3rd boot floppy drive

    missing ntldr happens when the floppy drive is
    not can disable the floppy drive on the bios set-up as well
    thank you im april guevarra--phillipines
    you can mail me at [email protected]
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