Help fix my dryer to get hot again it is taking to long to dry
LONG dry time is an indication of a clogged or restricted exhaust. Clogged or restricted exhaust is the primary cause of failure in all residential dryers. Blowing the the system with a shop vac is only a temporary solution. The system needs to be cleaned (2 to 3 times per year) with a rotary brush to scrape lint collecting from the sides of the pipe. Suggest going to Lowes and purchasing vent cleaning kit. Read instructions CAREFULLY. Also consider replacing flexible plastic or foil pipe with rigid metal type. Dryer will vent 30% to 40% better. If condition persists for too long, a high limit fuse mounted on the heater will open causing the heater to no longer operate.
Have a industrial type dryer jla t50, runs as normal but wont heat at all. had a gas enginer look at it. something is stopping the gas valves from opening. no fault codes showing either. what can it be. if i contact jla they will charge a complete fortune. any ideas
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dryer wont dry clothes drier runs but heater does not heat drum
The heat does not come on anymore. It was slowing not heating over the past few months and now seems to not heat up at all.
Whirlpool model geq8858hq1dryer will not tumble but the light will come on inside
Dryer heat become more inconsistant...from no heat (1/3 time) to
weak heat (50% time) to normal again (25%)...
3 yrs old..heavily used appliance
repair man cleaned/chkd vents etc but couldnt find anything wrong & problem remains..should he replace any parts??
my warranty is up in few months
What are my rights if there unable to fix problem if I had it few yrs but still under warranty?
My heating element was changed from the top panel of the dryer. But when I close the panel down, my heater element won't heat! I have to leave the panel open to dry my clothes! What gives?