Miele Novotronic Premier 500 Front Load Washer Logo
Posted on May 03, 2008
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W1930 I put in a normal load and water starts to fill, but soon cuts off. Too soon! Then the machine seems to go thru its normal cycle, including spin.  At the end, there is usually very wet clothes in the washer, as if they did not spin dry but as if there was still water in there. The front of the washer is not glass, so I can't see  whats going on. From other articles it seems like its the pressure vessel clogged or something like that. If it is could you step me throught he process of cleaning that out. I am not very mechanical so more detail would be better. I can get a friend to help me and I'd like to try to do it. Sound familiar? Thankis Tamara

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  • Posted on May 31, 2008
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Check your exit hose spigot, it may be clogged. This is if your filter is all clean (ref manual). There should be air for passage in the standpipe behind. Your hose should not fit airtight into the standpipe and neither too deep into it (4 to 6 inches maximum) Of course you can direct the hose into sink, fine. Snaking out your standpipe would be good too.

Also open up behind, you will see a thin tube coming from the control area to the water exit area, near pump below. Disconnect this tube carefully from the top and blow into it. It should be free, or you will have bad water levels in machine; the tube should not be torn or kinked; refit carefully. Good luck Tamara

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I have the same machine and had the same problem. It turned out that the outflow trap which contains a plastic ball had filled up with junk out of pockets etc and also with strands of fabric from cloth nappies. If you remove the drain hose assembly(unplug the machine first!!) by unscrewing the jubilee clips on the hoses(this is inside the rear panel of the machine at the bottom) you can rmaove the outfloe trap take the ball out and empty out all the junk. Check that the hoses are clear as well and then check no junk remains where the part attaches to the bottom of the drum.
Put everything back together and run the machine for a full cycle with no clothes in it this should remove any left over bits of junk.
I have had to do this four or five times in the two years I have had this machine but it runs fine and washes perfectly until too much jnunk is in the trap, then it has the same symptoms you describe, wont finish the cycle, wont spin. On one occasion it poured water out of the powder tray, again same problem!!
If the machine has stopped full of water you will have to abort the programme unplug the machine, plug it back in then open the door catching the water in a large container then follow the procedure above. Water will drain from the hoses when you take them off have some towels handy!! Good Luck, Al from Manchester
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