Protron PLTV-37 37 in. LCD Television Logo
Posted on May 02, 2008
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37in Proton screen starting to go darker. sometimes top half sometimes bottom half. also when turning on stays completely dark. Have to turn on a few times before getting a picture. Then some shakey darkness in picture no exact area but usually bottom area. any suggestions. Maybe power supply??

  • Anonymous May 17, 2008

    the tv is dark, starts to come back as tv warms up but has taken half an hour to get half the screen back.

  • Anonymous May 17, 2008

    there is a mark down the left side of the television. like a stain. the stains looks like a water mark if your ceiling would have a leak


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  • Posted on May 28, 2008
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Joined: May 28, 2008

This is the same problem i have is a mark down the left side of the television. like a stain. the stains looks like a water mark if your ceiling would have a leak sam mcinnerney

Jaime Hernandez

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  • Posted on May 02, 2008
Jaime Hernandez
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Those are the symptoms when the power supply is giving up.
Unfortunately there are not many replacement service parts around to swap the power supply assembly, but It will need to be fix to the component level instead.
I service these power supplies.
Let me know if you need more assistance.


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Sounds like T'Con board fault. Check and replace it. If you wish to get some details; check the site linked here. Pull up older posts. Surf the site with patience.

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There is nothing you can do about it by yourself. Consult some qualified technician or service center

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Thin screen LCD monitor brightness controls operate several fluorescent lamps called "backlights" that are positioned behind the LCD display. Typically, they're located around the edges of the screen - sometimes just at the top and bottom, and other times at the left and right edges and others still at all 4 edges.

Fluorescent "backlight" lamp, inverter & connection wiring.

The lamps are miniature versions of those sold in stores. They require a support circuitry called an inverter that convert & boosts the level of DC to AC voltage performing the functions of a ballast in a traditional fluorescent fixture.

The reason a part of your screen remains dark is because one or more of the components in the picture above has failed and will not allow the lamp to shine. Replacement lamps and inverters aren't expensive - but requires patience and the ability to disassemble / assemble the monitor (which is usually harder to do than it appears) and solder. They are available various lengths and color temperatures (you must get a lamp that is identical or it will be noticed). If this is a new monitor - you ought to return it for replacement. If used, consider the cost of purchasing a replacement (new or used) vs. repair.

I hope this helps & good luck!

My View Sonic VX715 LCD sometimes will come on with the top of the screen darker and it will lighten up towards the bottom then go completely dark. I found buy tapping on the top of monitor it will come...

fixing a LCD monitor require you to have some basic electronic know how.. changing the backlight won't be easy as you need to dismantle the whole LCD right to the screen..
But if the display only lasted for few minutes and then the whole screen turn dark, this is due to bad component on the board.. most probably capacitor...

LCD screen gone dark, can still hear sound and see image

It wouls appear one of the backlights in the screen is cutting out, this will require the screen to be replaced although in certain circumstances, depending on the age & model of your TV, it is sometimes possible to change the faulty backlight independantly. Take it to a repair centre to get an anaylisis of the type of screen it has.

Solid Line Across Screen

Suspect the Light Engine part # 939P977010

Top half of screen blacks out

Today, after speaking to the Sansui Manufacturer representative from Japan. He stated that all you need to do is to turn off the closed caption from the TV remote and not the DVR remote. Black screen can occur at the top half or the bottom half of the screen depending on how it was originally setup during installation. Try this and hopefully this fixes the problem.
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