My Sony Walkman is Frozen on the start-up screen. How do I get it working again?
I had this issue for a whole week after I just got it, and then finally it worked! here's what i did: i left the player connected to its charger for a long time even though the battery charge wasn't showing. i downloaded the content manager for my player's model from the sony website. i restarted my computer and took out the player. then i initiated the content manager and plugged in the player again and held down the reset button with a nail until it came on and connected to my computer. only now, it's been saying "connecting USB" for five minutes, but it's something...
Usually answered in minutes!
the screen just says every moment has it's music. the malkman sign appearing on it.
M,y Walkman is stuck on the part where is says every moment has it's music. I don't know what to do.
Mywalkman is stuck on the screen where when you plug it up to the computer to download music and it says "connecting." what should I do?