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Posted on May 02, 2008

How do i log on to my admin,from my lap top when on holiday thankyou frank

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  • Contributor 33 Answers
  • Posted on May 02, 2008
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Joined: May 01, 2008

If your computer's operating system has an administrator password that you did not set or do not remember, try the default password of 'admin', 'administrator', or leave the field blank. If none of these are correct, then your administrator password would need to be removed. Geeksquad has licensed tools to remove windows passwords, and can probably perform the password removal in under 2-3 minutes if there isn't a line for service when you bring it in. I would suggest that as it might be the easiest method to reclaim access to your administrator account.

Hope that helps.

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Need admin password for my acer lap top

Open it and remove the coin chaped batter to for some minutes to clear the hardware password.

If it is Windows login admin password it wants, just reinstall Windows.

Reset button was hit but cannot log in with admin and motorola locked out and cannot get lap top to connect

It seems I didn't push the button long enough or I pushed it and then pulled the power cable. That got me into some weird condition where internet would work but was not able to login to the router.

The right way:
- Press and hold the reset button until the devices lights start to shutoff
- Wait
- Login with the defaults: admin/Motorola

I cannot access the web via wireless. Appears that something is blocking or missing on the home network connection settings. Wireless is showing good connection to network. Getting IP from router. How...

It cannot be the firewall, since your Lan connections work.....

Check the wireless settings on the router, check the SSID and the Security key.
If this is happening with one wireless computer, Check that the wireless adapter is turned on and drivers are installed correctly. Uninstall and re-install the drivers.

You can try resetting the router and reconfiguring the wireless settings .
Router reset:

This is done by simply holding down the reset button located on the back of the unit for at least 30 seconds. Once the router has been reset, it must be reconfigured. Using your web browser go to URL address You will then be prompted to login to your router. A log-in screen asking for the password will automatically appear. At this time enter the default password "admin", in lower case letters into the password field. The username field may be left blank at this time. (Note: both the default username and default password are set to "admin" on some of the newer Linksys router models).

If I could be of further assistance, let me know. If this helps or solves the issue, please rate it and give a testimonial for my response. Happy Holidays!

Thanks, Joe

I’m happy to assist further over the phone at


I cant log in on my lap top

If OS is XP then log in the PC in safe mode there u will see a new account that is Admininistrator. Log in there make the chages in the user account there.
If the OS is Vista / Win 7 then restart NB in safe mode there u will see option like Safe Mode with Command Prompt log in that in the black box type in " net user administrator / active " enter then restart the NB log on to the new admin account click on it in there go to users click on ur user account delete the account password there and then resart PC log on in the old account. In the old account click on start- type in CMD right click on it run as administrator in the black box type in " net user administrator /active:no " restart the NB again issue resolved.

I have a siemens gigaset se572 wlan dsl box. my lap top is aksing for the security key or passphrase, does anyone know where to find it? Thanks

You should be able to log into the router by opening an internet window and typing

Username: admin
Password: admin

(Unless it's been changed.) The WEP Key will be in there under a section for Security.

Don't know how to set up laptop.I got a wireless router for the lap top. now it's just setting it up.

what type of router did you get certain models require you to manually set up the wireless. To manually gain access to a Belkin router open Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox and in the address bar enter that should bring up a log in box enter admin for username and admin again for password that should give you access. for linksys and efficient networks same steps as above only this time enter in the address bar.

How do I know what my key or pass phrase is

if u havent changed the router admin password log in it and change the wireless passprhase if u also forgot it but u think u didnt change it use the manual u can find it here

Cannot install D-Link router

1. check your wireless adapter TCP/IP settings if its set into "Obtain as IP address Automatically".
2. if the settings is set as Automatic and your not getting IP address then select "Use the following IP Address"
3. use IP address followed to your router address like if192.168.0.1 in router type or192.168.0.3 just check the next address IP in your network.
4. after typing subnet IP will automatically set
5. type the router IP address as your default gateway
6. click OK to save your new settings

Hope this will help
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