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Posted on May 02, 2008
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Pc desktop front panel audio out /mic in doesnt work

Is there any settings to be done in my computer to make my pc front panel audio out and mic in work

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  • Expert 148 Answers
  • Posted on May 02, 2008
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Joined: May 01, 2008

What kind of panel and what kind of computer.
Sometimes the mic in on the monitor must be connected from the back of the display to the mic in of the PC
If the monitor has a usb interface as well it may need new drivers.

Verify all your connections and get back to me with the model numbers.

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Related Questions:


Microphone not working

I would try reinstalling the Audio Drivers, and replugging the mic in.

If that doesn't work test the mic on another PC see if the mic works, if it doesnt work then your mic is broken, if it does then there is something wrong with your audio driver or Mic port.

Mic dosnt work

Go into the Audio Properties and set the mic as a recording device.

Click Start/Control Panel and look for Audio or Sound. Go through and find where you set the microphone as a recording device and put a check by it.

You can also click on the megaphone at the bottom right near the time to get into the Audio Sound Properties.

Mic not working from front jack and speaker not working from rear jack of dell dimension e520 pc desktop. however drivers are installed. plz guide

verify your sound settings. make sure you have it set to the front audio jack in sound settings via control panel

If you need further help, reach me via phone at


I am unablem to use the mic for the internet chat!!!!


First of all find the latest version of the audio driver which is compatible to vista, as most of the drivers that are shipped with sound-card or motherboard cd contain drivers which have support for only until windows Xp.

So it is strongly recommended to download the latest audio driver from the internet for your sound-card or on board audio chipset. Install the vista compatible audio driver (sound driver) for your sound-card or motherboard audio. After this re-start your computer. Half of the work is done.

Now plug in the microphone in your sound-card / motherboard audio pin (generally pink in color for microphone).

After this go to control panel > sound and audio device settings. Check whether the microphone is detected by Vista or not. If not, check whether you have selected the frontal microphone or rear, as vista recognizes them separately unlike windows Xp. Correct the configuration of front/rear mic if needed.


Which color is the input jack for recording

On the front panel, the audio jack on the left side when looking at the front of the computer is the mic jack. On the back, look for the pink jack in the audio panel area. This is the mic. I included a picture of it below.


Pc webcam ywb-1016, video works, but audio(built-in mic) doesnt

You may have to tell your computer what mic you wish to use ( make it default )
Typical audio set up

Laptop/mic x webcam/mic x Vista x Yahoo Messenger
If you have an earlier OS, you may have to access your hardware from the Control Panel.

Right click on speaker icon in System Tray
Select "Playback Devices"
The speaker icon ( checked as working) and volume level graph should be visible
Right click on the volume graph and click "Test"
Left hand speakers followed by right hand should be heard

Click "Recording" tab.
To set required (webcam) mic as default - click on mic font to highlight and click "Properties"
In lower dropbox display "Use this device enable" click OK
Click "Levels" tab and ramp up sliders ( adjust to suit later)
Return to "Recording". Test mic by speaking and make sure volume graph displays

Restart computer


Open messenger - on top toolbar. Left click ( > ) Messenger > Preferences > Connection - Select 'no proxies' or 'connect direct to the internet' depending on the version of messenger you have
make sure your internet connection and country are correct in the lower two boxes > Apply > OK

Click ( > ) Messenger > Preferences > Calling and Audio
Set mic and speakers to show Default equipment
Run call up assistant to test audio equipment > Apply > OK

Mic issues

you need to go to settings in the control panel then set up the mic....

Head set probs

I understand you know what you are doing, but sometimes step by step tips might help you with something you could have overlooked, so here we go;

- You have selected the proper driver for the recordings (mike input) in : Volume Settings ~ Options ~ Properties ~ selcet the right mixer

- There is no other audio program installed that overruled the standard Windows setting to use another input driver or I/Face ?

- I am not 100% sure if the 5100 has a front entry Mike input, but if so, have you checked that input, instead of the standard backside input ?

- I know that some Dells have a small applet running that automatically detects if a device is connected to the mike input or speaker output. Play a bit with these connectors in/out, speaker/mike. Maybe the applet pops up and needs to be reconfigured. I'm sorry I cannot tell you which applet it is and how to start it from Windows, maybe someone else can help with that.

- Try the straight forward program Windows recorder in Start ~ Programs ~ Accessories ~ Entertainment ~ Sound Recorder ~ Edit ~ Audio Properties and selecxt the proper Audio Interface.

Good Luck !

Dell Dimension E521 (XP) , Mic Doesnt work with Sigmatel Audio

First Right click on the sound Icon besides your clock on the bottom right hand side of your screen. Click on sounds. Then on the Playback Tab you should see: ""Internal Speaker/Headphones"".Click On Properties and then On the Tab that says levels. Then just Simply adjust the volume.

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!

Plug mic and earphone to the front panel

hi!gud am...hope this will help...

have you check if your audio controller is working?have you installed the driver?if not check this out...start>control panel>system>hardware>device manager>sound,video and audio controllers...

is your mic and earphone new?if not try to replace it with a new one maybe its broken that's why its not working...

check if the front panel audio is connected on your mobo...some casing with front panel audio has no connection...let me know what you see and tried ok?

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