Dell E173FP 17" LCD Monitor Logo
Posted on May 02, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Everything has gone vertical

I restarted my computer and my screen came back up showing everything vertically instead of horizontally - help! I'v tried every adjustment to fix it and have restarted computer twice with no change.

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  • Expert 148 Answers
  • Posted on May 02, 2008
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Joined: May 01, 2008

What type of computer? which model? and which screen? is it a laptop or a tablet.
Check your screen settings if its a seperate screen there may be a button on the bezel for changing the layout.
Also the orientation can be changed in most video drivers. set the screen on its side so you can see and right click on your desktop and manuver to "properties" goto the last tab then click advanced. search around in there for orientation, sorry but exact step by step varies from there depending on which driver you are using.

if you try something in that menu that doesnt work, just cancel out or hit escape.

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How do I fix red vertical line?

If you wish to get some details; check the site linked here. Pull up older posts. Surf the site with patience.

Mitsubishi VS-55609 top left screen has folded over

chk for any electricity or magnetic interferanc. change the location to the TV. switch of the tv fro 5 min and restart it again back.

TV shows either: black screen with: white vertical or, horizontal line

If Your screen shows a: white vertical line on a black screen or, a white horizontal line on a black screen:
Your TV vertical or, horizontal power transistor or, chip is getting too hot.
A vertical line indicates the horizontal circuit is at fault, a horizontal line indicates the vertical circuit is at fault.
To troubleshoot: Turn on your TV untill the line shows then: after about a minute, remove power (unplug) the TV, remove the TV back cover, find the too hot transistor or, chip; using component coolant; spray the too hot component with the component cooler until the screen comes back to normal. To fix: apply white coolant cream to the back of the too hot transistor or, chip. or, if there is room, a small fan can be wired in to cool the part. Radioshack sells the cream and, also a "component cooler spray" that should find and, fix this problem, also; with power removed you can, if you feel it is safe; carefully (with only one hand) feel the part; it will be very hot! (it could burn your finger!) Do not touch anything else! (this will not hurt the tv; when the picture comes back on (the offending part has cooled) you have found the problem part.
on Apr 06, 2010 • Televison & Video

When watching movies on my computer, I am getting a weird line through the middle of the screen at times, also, when things are moving on screen faster, more lines seem to show. I guess they don't really...

i think your vertical IC ( if vertical lines are shown) / horizontal IC ( if horizontal lines are shown) of your monitor has damaged. you may contact a mechanic and change the corresponding IC

My 15 year old Toshiba Televisiononly shows a narrow horizontal band in the middle of the screen. Sound OK.

Hiii fairley,

You aren't specsificly dercribe yor tv set.
For common TV horizontal problem ;i.e : White line accross the horizontal screen, horizontal band,'s can solved by replacing the IC Vertical/Transistor, and olso to replace the cap nearest the IC.

For common TV Vertical Problem :i.e : White line at the center of the screen (top to bottom),Vertical band,etc...It's can cure by Replacing the Horizontal IC/Transistor,and offcurse the cap's.

Tha's what all I know....

Hope can help you to solved the problem.



Horizontal Light Only

If you have a straight horizontal line in the middle of the screen the vertical deflection has gone out. Itll need to be repaired, the vertical deflection IC is bad. Hope this helps.

Monitor has all in a horizontal position,want vertical

do you mean the task bars? if so click on them and drag them back down to the bottom of the screen

Photos randomly show in vertical and horizontal position

Th full defect in detail would help. But dropping any digital camera can lead to numerous problems which will call for repair.
The problem here is not defined enough for me to see what your real problem is.
Some suggestions:
Reset all your settings from the menu.
Use a card reader instead of using the camera to get your pictures on to your computer.


Vertical color lines

Here is a picture of my TV problem, the green horizontal line is from the camera flash. thanks for the help.4d2ca33.jpg
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