SOURCE: Replacing LDC screen on Fuji Z10FD camera
Probably, yes.
Remove the 2 screws on the side,
Remove the 3 screws in the buttom. (2 of which are tri-wing)
Remove the 2 screws in the battery compartment.
Flip out the chrome side (from the front backwards)
Remove the 2 screws underneath the chrome side.
Turn the camera upside down. You can now flip the backcover down (gently lift the cover, both on the mid by the tripd hole and on the side, where the crome plate was) Watch out for the USB connector.
Gently lift the broken LCD out. You need to release (flip up) the tiny white lock on the connector to release the ribbon.
Assembly same procedure, but backwards.
Beware of the flash components. The can give a nasty electrical chock.
Usually answered in minutes!
dropped my camera and the screen's got lines on it different colors, it's screwed