How to run a diagnostic test:
- Unplug power cord, then wait 30 seconds.
- After plugging in, follow these instructions...
To Enter SERVICE MODE: Press Signal-Delay-5ignal-Delay (within 30 seconds of plugging in washer).
To Exit SERVICE MODE: Repeat Signal-Delay-Signal-Delay.
Here are the possible tests to run (TEST LIST). The error codes from t02 will probably be the best indicator of your problem. (scroll down to bottom to see what each command button does once you are in test mode)
- "t01"
Model ID
Verifies (or sets on new board) the proper Model id
- "t02"
Error Codes
Lists up to 10 control-detected problems
- "t03"
Software ID
Verifies using latest Control-eePROM-lnverter software
- "t04"
Exercise lCD/lEDs
Verifies that all the displays and buttons work
- "tOS"
Pump Test
Tests drain-out pump
- "t06"
Pressure Switch Test
Fills to all 3 levels, then pumps out water
- "tOT'
ThermistorlHeater Test
Verifies that both the Thermistor and Heater work
- "t10"
Tumble Test
Verifies Washer Tumbles (I.e. Wash cycle)
- "t11"
Spin Test
Verifies Washer spins
- "t12"
Dispenser Test
Verifies Dispenser fill works-for all four fill modes
- "t13"
EOl Test
Performs End-of-Line test sequence
Button Commands (based upon test mode)
t01 prerequisites: none
Start Displays defined Model id (01-04); displays "---" if new board (to set Model id, rotate knob unlil desired id [01-04] displayed, press and hold "START' key to program desired model)
Power Returns to "t01"
t02 prerequisites: none
Start Displays most recent error code (EOO=none)
Start Displays previous error code (up to previous 10)
Hold start Clear all error codes (and then displays EOO)
Power Returns to "102"
t03 prerequisites: none
Start Alternate "cod" and Control Software version
Start Alternate "EE" and eePROM version
Start Alternale "Inv" and Inverter Software version
Power Returns to "103"
t04 prerequisites: none
Start loops on lighting lED's, LCD and cycle ids
Any button Beeps when depressed
Power Returns to "t04"
tOS prerequisites: none
Start Displays "P" and pump for 60 seconds
Power Returns to "t05"
t06 prerequisites: none
Start Displays "E" (for Empty) and starts filling when reaches Foam level-displays "F"
Start Fill, when reaches Main level-displays "nl"
Start Fill, when reaches overflow leve~ displays "OF," pumps out, displays "E" when tub empty
Power Returns to "t06"
t07 prerequisites: Main level pressure switch must work
Start Displays temperature in OF, fills to main level, turns on heater up to 5 minutes, displaying rising temperature
Power Pumps out water and returns to ''t07''
t10 prerequisites: none
Start Displays "It" and tumbles tub alternating the direction every 5 seconds
Power Stops tumbling and returns to "t10"
t11 prerequisites: none
Start Spins to 400 RPM displaying increasing RPM
Start Spins to 1100 RPM [Greater than or equal to 1000, displays "Axx"; Greater than or equal to 1100, displays "bxx" (xx, 0 to 99)] [currently error-automatically goes to 0 RPM]
Power Stops spinning and returns to "t11" when stops
t12 prerequisites: none
Start Displays "pdt" and fills via pre-wash chamber
Start Displays "ddt" and fills via main wash chamber
Start Displays "bdl" and fills via bleach chamber
Start Displays "Fdt" and fills via fabric softener chamber (stops if reaches Main level during any fill)
Power Pumps out water and returns to "t12"
t13 prerequisites: none
Start Starts EOl test sequence (NOT used in Repair)
Power Returns to ''t13''
Once you have the diagnostic codes, check this post for the meaning of the codes: