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Posted on May 01, 2008
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I replaced the belt on my Dirt Devil Featherlite Bagless Vacuum and the brush roller rubs and makes a very loud noise when turned on. I have gone exactly by the manual instructions and made sure the belt and end caps were on correctly, but the bristles still rub the back and it makes a very loud noise. Without the brush roller in the vacuum, it sounds and runs normal. What could the problem be?

  • Anonymous Mar 20, 2014

    I recently changed the belt and after installation the roller brush sounds like a helicopter. Extremely loud vibration sound. Do rollers wear out and if so could this be the problem? This is the 3rd time replacing the belt so fairly sure it's done right. Unit is 6 or 7 years old works great and would like to fix it and keep it


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  • Posted on May 01, 2008
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Generic problem for all Vacuums
I replaced the belt on
Posted by piggytail on May 01, 2008
I replaced the belt on my Dirt Devil Featherlite Bagless Vacuum and the brush roller rubs and makes a very loud noise when turned on. I have gone exactly by the manual instructions and made sure the belt and end caps were on correctly, but the bristles still rub the back and it makes a very loud noise. Without the brush roller in the vacuum, it sounds and runs normal. What could the problem be?

I would advise you to ALWAYS to FIRST UNPLUG YOUR VACUUM before beginning any service procedure.
The Royal Dirt Devil Featherlite Bagless Vacuum has just bushings in the ends of the brushroll and not bearings and once the bushings are bad I suggest that you replace the brushroll in the vacuum and put a new belt on the vacuum as well. There is no way to repair the bushing s in order to it to work properly. The suggested belt change is every 4 to 6 months and to store the extra belts in a Ziploc bag in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Suggest looking at a local vac dealer. So if you need further assistance, please feel free to contact your local vacuum cleaner dealer in your area or in the yellow pages, or contact the factory phone number or website to further assist you with your questions.
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How do I get to the belt on my dirt devil

On the bottom of the dirt devil have to remove cover plate with screws and replace belt on motor

Making loud noise dyson

Give this site a try:

Hope this helps if that's the cause of the loud noise.

Johnstown Epoxy Garage Floor

I placed the new belt on the brush roller like i was suppose to, but brush roller will not turn forward or backward. What am I doing wrong?

Most likely the roller is frozen due to dirt and debris. Follow the instructions to remove the belt and roller. Clean the roller as best you can and at each end where the hard rubber holders are located. Add some WD40 between the brush and these holders and turn by hand until the holders move freely around the brush. Reassemble making sure the belt is on in the correct manner so the brush rotates in the proper direction.

Brush bar can't spin

Hi There,

Actually I just answered a question almost identical to yours! The belt on his model continiously snapped also.

I walked him through how to check the problem, and he was able to get his vacuum fixed. It really sounds to me like your brush roller has gone bad as well.

How to Replace the belt & Roller brush on a Dirt Devil Featherlite:

Also here, another link to the exact roller brush that your model take on our website if you haven't already purchased one.

I hope this helped your your vacuum!

Chris Jones

Here's the link:

When machine is running the brush does not turn

You need a new belt. In order to change it, turn the machine compleatly upside down and place the head on a counter, handle on the floor.
There is a L shaped base plate to remove that has 5 screws in. Once the base plate is off, you see the brush roller and a silver shaft directly back from where the belt would ride. Remove the brush roller, place the new belt, Dirt Devil Style 5 ( see link below ) on to the shaft. Then insert the brush roller, so the belt is on the raised carved out section of the brush roller. Grab the brush roller at each end and stretch it till you are able to put the brush roller back into the base. Turn the brush roller backwards 3 compleat turns and the same forward to seat the belt.
Replace the base plate and you're done.

Dirt Devil Style 4/5 Belt - 2 Pack. Part # 3720310001 - Free Shipping Dirt Devil Style 4/5 Belt - 2 Pack. Part # 3720310001
Cost $ 8.00

I have a dirt devil featherlite bagless vacuum; model #088600. It has suction through the hose but not through the floor mode. I think there is a blockage in the hose area but cannot seem to take it apart...

there are 3 screws 2 on the left side behind the hose and 1 on the right back by the wheel.that will take the cover off.if you need to get into the bottom there is a screw on the bottom plate in the area where it looks like the belt the brush roller turning if not then your belt is probably broke.before you replace the belt clean off the motor shaft and get the old rubber off it otherwise the new belt won't last long.please leave feedback .be sure to clean your filter inside the dirt cup

I cant get the power brush to work is there a reset button? the vacuum is only 2 months old dirt devil 12amp bagless featherlite

can you turn the brush by hand? if it turns real freely the belt is broke or the brush siezed up make sure there isn't any carpet strans wrapped around the ends of the brush otherwise the brush won't turn.if its the belt make sure you clean the motor shaft before you put on the new belt,the old rubber from the old belt will make the new belt run unevevly and break again..good luck

Dirt Devil Vision bagless not working

Check the dirt cup filter. remove the dirt cup and check for proper suction. if you have good suction, check your belt

I’m happy to assist further over the phone at

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