Mitsubishi WS-65615 65" TV Logo
Mabel Baenen Posted on May 01, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Telivision dont want to power up.

I plug in the tv and it stay with a green light blinking and dont want to power up can i get a solution thanks. blinking green light. hit reset button and once the green light stops blinking i try to turn it on and nothing happens. tried it with remote and tv buttons. tried unplugging and still no luck. just a blinking light when reseting and then cannot turn on tv. can you help? model 65615

2 Answers

Benjamin Patri

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  • Posted on May 01, 2008
Benjamin Patri
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You are experiencing the Mitsubishi Green Blinking Light of Death which is fixable.

All you need to do is replace the four 1000uF/16 volt power supply capacitors in the "DM module" (one of the two onboard microprocessors) which are inadequate for this tv. These capacitors are apparently undersized, in that they will eventually fail (usually after about 3 years) if and inevitably when there are voltage fluctuations in the circuit above 16 volts. It is then recommended to install either 1000uF/25 volt or 1000uF/35 volt capacitors as replacements, so that they will be more than ample to handle any voltage spikes that will occur.

If you are good with soldering and know how to work with electronics then this will be an easy fix otherwise I suggest getting someone to replace the capacitors that knows how to deal with them without getting an electrical shock. You can get the capacitors at any electronics store such as Radio Shack.

Good luck and please let me know if you have any further questions.


  • Benjamin Patri
    Benjamin Patri May 03, 2008

    Please don't forget to rate this solution as that is one of the biggest
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    Otherwise, let me know if you have further questions and I would be glad to help.

    Thank you



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  • Posted on May 01, 2008
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Hello waybae,

Please try the following:

1. Hold the menu button down for 10 seconds. TV should power up; you will have to turn off front panel buttons on menu.

2. Powering down the set or putting it in standby may have allowed the power supply to cool. Weak capacitors often go out of spec when they cool, thus preventing a section of the power supply from firing up properly again. There is a simple trick...just warm the back of the TV with a hair dryer for 5-7 mins after you have unplugged the TV. Look for the little areas of holes in the back panel of TV. Use these as your guide at where to use the hairdryer, but don't hold the dryer too close (say 5-6inches away). (Make sure the dryer is on High heat). If the TV doesn't turn on after you have heated it up (like it tries to come on but then turns off) you need to unplug the TV again, this resets it. And repeat those steps till it works. Resetting the TV after it fails to turn on is the key. Also, just leave the TV on. Don't turn in off. Since it is LCD, it doesn't take much power...only a few bucks extra a month for your utility bill.

3. You can also try plugging in the TV through the USB on its panel to a computer or USB charger, and it may work. However, this is only a temporary solution.

4. A PCB may crack about some of the larger components mounted on it. You can inspect the PCB's for fractures, and then repair them. It may also be poor soldering that has failed. I would be checking for these things first.

5. If you want to go in for a long term solution, you can easily replace the whole power board or just change the faulty capacitors There are usually 4 capacitors on the DM board. You will have to open the back panel and take a look. You can make out which are faulty, because their caps will be swollen on top. Here's a sample pic (not from same model):
telivision dont want to power up. - 1d94f31.jpg
There are 4 capacitors on the DM board and are 1000mf 16v. Replace them with 1000mf 25v, and they should work beautifully. These should be available at any electrical store. If you are comfortable with this, you can use a pair of needle nose pliers to G-E-N-T-L-Y pull out the defunct capacitors. Once that is done, solder in the new capacitors carefully. If are unsure how to do this, try to get a friend who knows how to do this kind of stuff do it for you, or get a qualified technician. Warning: If you do not have a background in electronics repair, or are inexperienced, get a qualified technician to do it for you.

LCD TVs do not have high voltages inside like the old CRTs, but power line voltages may still be present and give you a bad shock.

Also modern CMOS integrated circuits (or chips) inside digital equipment are very (!) sensitive to over-voltage, short circuits or even static electricity. The simple act
of touching the wrong chip with your fingers can destroy it. A static shock too weak to give you a tingle, is strong enough to blow the integrated circuits inside your TV.

REMEMBER there are very dangerous voltages inside a TV that can KILL. Be sure to work SAFE when dealing with electricity. DISCONNECT THE POWER BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING.

Hope that helps...Should you have any further questions, please feel free to post them here.

P.S. - If you find that the solution/answer I provided led you to, or resulted in a fix, please close the ticket with a FixYa! rating. I would be very grateful for your show of appreciation.
If it hasn’t, please do not assign a rating just yet. Please post back as to what steps you took, results, etc, and I will try to assist you further as best I can. I am here at your service.

Thank you for using FIXYA!


  • Anonymous May 02, 2008

    Just checking to see if your issue has been resolved… If
    you find that the solution/answer I provided led you to, or resulted in a fix,
    please take a moment to close the ticket with a FixYa! rating under my
    I would be very grateful for your show of appreciation.

    Should you have any further questions, please feel free to
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    Thank you for using FIXYA!



  • battlepriest Sep 23, 2010

    the hair dryer worked for me, awesome, cause the board is back ordered for 2.5 months, must be a big problem, so ill leave the tv on till the repair guy can get the part and fix it, THX for the help



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I have a Mitsubishi WD-62525 HDTV that suddenly wont turn on. Just has a green blinking light when you hit the power button. Any ideas?

I found this on another website, most likely it is your power supply capacitors.
  1. Press the "reset" button and hold for 10 seconds .... Does TV turn on and blinking green light turn to solid green.

  2. Unplug the TV from it's power source for various times, ranging between 5 minutes and 24 hours..... Does blinking green light continue upon plugging in the TV.

  3. Disconnect ALL devices from the TV; DVD, Tuner, Cable Box, unplug the TV for various duration times .... Does blinking green light continues upon plugging in the TV.

  4. Press Power and Menu buttons simultaneously and hold depressed for 20 seconds .... Does blinking green light continue to flash.

  5. Press Power and Display buttons simultaneously and hold depressed for 20 seconds .... Does blinking green light continue to flash.

  6. Insure that no front panel buttons are inadvertently stuck in an "engaged" position.

Diagnosis: If none of the above test resolve the issue, then the failure lies in one of the following:

  1. DM Module Capacitors have FAILED.
  2. DM Module is defective.
  3. EEPROM Board failure
  4. Power Supply failure.

When i plug in my tv the screen stays black and wont come on

Hi my name is Roety,
I can help you with your issue ,
Your Mittsubishi has a system the will cause the green light to blink for 70 seconds when first plugged in, if the green light never stops blinking it is either a power supply issue or a stuck keyboard button.
So do the test and reset it to see if the light stops blinking or not.

If I have helped you with your issue
If you have more questions you can still respond
I will reply asap

I’m happy to help further over the phone at


The Power Light is Red

yeah, should stay red when unit is turned off, indicating there's power but it's doing nothing.

Per user manual:
Solid red - power off (standby mode)
blinking red - power off (now cooling)
blinking green - power on (preparing to light lamp)
solid green - power on

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Green light blinking

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I can't get my tv to turn on... nothing but blinking red light

Dont know if this will work for you or not, but my brother gave me his because of the same problem. It would power up and a green light would come on, then after 10 -15 seconds it would change to a red blinking light. I plugged a usb cable into the service port on the side and left the other end unplugged. Then plugged the tv back into the power. i took a small screwdriver and ran across the contacts in the end of the usb cable until both the red light and the green lights came on. I did this several times listening fot the clicking noises in the TV. after doing this for approx 20 seconds, i pressed the power button and the TV worked fine. 5 days now and no problems. Only thing I can think is I somehow reset the software and now it is working fine. Hope some of you can figure this out and give it a try. if the TV is just sitting, you have nothing to lose

Power button is green - no blinks / no picture / no sound

Unplug it from the wall, wait 2 minutes and plug it back in. if problem still exists, its probably the main pcb.

Green Blinking Timer Light Mitsubishi WD-62527

hold the menu bottun for 10 seconds
after press power

see if that works
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