Apple iPod  shuffle Second Gen. Silver (1 GB) MP3 Player (MA564LL/A) Logo

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Posted on Apr 30, 2008

Doesnt play i can load songs in it but it doesnt play the song the green light glows but it doesnt play while i was listening to it, it stuttered and then stopped completely. I restored it but that didn't fix it. If i turn up the volume, i can hear static and i can recognize the songs so i know they are on there, but something is messed up with the sound. i know it's not the headphones because i tried it with another set.

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Well maybe you could take it ti the store like i did at wal mart and theyll maybe fix it but i just got a new one because i had washed mine

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you might have reset to shuffle again

The iPod's shuffle feature lets you randomize playback of albums, songs or even your entire music library. You may also find this feature useful if you want to listen to forgotten tracks in your library or discover songs you haven't listened to yet. Disabling the shuffle feature will return playback of a song list to its standard consecutive order. You can enable and disable the shuffle feature at any time.

Navigate to the main menu. Select "Settings." Scroll to the "Shuffle" option. Select "Songs" or "Albums." If you select "Songs," the iPod Classic will shuffle the songs on whatever song list you listen to. If you select "Albums," the iPod Classic will play all songs of an album you select in order and then randomly select another album. Navigate to the playlist or album to which you want to listen. Play a song to initiate the shuffle. b> iPod Nano and iPod Touch Tap the "Songs" icon on your nano home screen. If you are using an iPod Touch, open the "iPod" application. Navigate to the song list, playlist or album you want to play. Tap the "Shuffle" icon at the top of the list to activate the feature.

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use the lexar brand jump drive, they tend to work better the the dj station. i have a 64GB jump drive with 3,000 songs on it and it works great with no problems.

When i try to put sons on my ipod they show up on my computer screen so that it looks like there are songs on it but when i disconnect my ipod shuffle the songs dont play and a light flashes green red...

Are you sure its green red green red or is it green orange green orange?

Because according to apple, it doesnt have a sequence for green red green red..... either way, you can see what the different lights mean here..

Thank you and please be sure to rate this answer... :)

My apple ipod doesnt play songs

that is because the songs have not been transferred to your ipod yet....connect your ipod to your all songs from your music library and drag them to your ipod icon....the songs will start getting transferred....therafter you can listen them on your ipod too....

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Doesnt play

it keeps flashing orange and green I dont know what to do HELP me PLEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Songs will not play!

I AM THE ANTIMAC! (Get a Zune - or any other generic mp3 player)
Hrrmm, could it be the file format? iPod plays m4a files, so if they're wma or something like that, it won't work. Have you played the current songs on it before with any luck? Did it stop in the middle of a song, at the end of a song or did it not work at all? With what method did you get the music on there? Download (Free/at cost?), Ripped from CD (What format? Using what program?).


u just need to transfer ur song to i tunes this will be done through pc with the help of cd which u got with handset so transfer ur all songs & try good luck
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