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Posted on Apr 30, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Phone feels cold

Hi, I've been having a rather strange problem with my LG lately...the phone feels COLD to the touch when it's against my ear, or sometimes even when it's closed. The coldest spots seem to be the top of the earpiece and the face (or frontside of the earpiece I guess) inc. where the display panel is. Now I've had a phone get HOT with extended usage, but never cold. And it's not just environment, b/c the phone is actually COLDER than its surroundings. Strangest of all, it seems to come and go over a period of seconds, ie cold for 5-6 seconds, then normal, then cold...even when it's turned off!!
Freaking me out!!!
Please help!!! :) I'm afraid it's killing my last brain cells!
ps-is it normal for cell phones to be magnetic, bc my bobby pins stick to it...?

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  • Posted on Jun 29, 2008
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Well take the phone to a service center and ahve them check and service the phone for you.

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Silent mode activated

check the ear phone connector & clean by fluid cleaner properly
by Engineer Ashenafi

It only lets me listen to music in one ear

  • If you have a warranty I would definitely send it back to the manufacturer. Most companies will pay for shipping for warranty repairs as well. What sounds like has happened happens a lot. The plug the jack plugs into (inside the Mp3 player) gets a cold soldier joint or the jack on the ear buds gets caught on something one to many times and breaks a soldier joint loose.

  • I usually open the media players and reheat the soldier joints myself. If you have already tried a different pair of ear buds it is almost certainly the jack inside the MP3.

  • Hope this helps.

How to get the speaker phone

Hi i've inserted a link to the manual below:
Turning the speaker phone on or off during a call On the screen, to toggle between turning the speakerphone on or off. The speaker phone icon appears in the status bar when the speakerphone is on. To avoid damage to your hearing, do not hold your phone against your ear when the speakerphone is turned on PAGE 48
MANUAL: http://member.america.htc.com/download/Web_materials/Manual/HTC_Aria_ATT/100810_Aria_AT&T_English_UM.pdf

We have a ge hotpoint HSS251FMBWW refridgerator. The power lights are on but neither the refridgorator nor the freezer will get cold.

Take a look at the compressor and compressor fan. If the fan inside is going the one outside by the compressor should be going also. Look for air restrictions around the compressor and clean em up. Feel the compressor: Hot to the touch means the relay is fried, cold to the touch means the relay has died.themobilian_1977.jpgthemobilian_1978.jpgthemobilian_1979.jpgthemobilian_1980.jpg

I have your late model GE service manual and some videos HERE


If you need further help, reach me via phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/dan_73bbd84fe1d95b61


Y lg chocolate touch will no longer ring and I also cannot get text alerts. It will still vibrate for a ring and for a text but no sound. I can hear on the ear piece for phone calls fine. Is my speaker...

hello jaminii4 the ear peice may be stuck on your phone. 1 take the battery out of the phone 2clean the contacts on yout phone, next send yourself a txt meddage. if yout still having ptoblems their is a section on yout phone in your in the serrings. It is the default setting for your phone dod mot do the testore phone it will wipe out your phone. thr security code is the last four digits on your number ok hope this helps

I’m happy to help further over the phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/ronald_e152e07e272e4f27


My LG Optimus U keeps going blank when I make calls. The call goes through but I can't use the dial pad or end the call. HELP

If you have a screen protector - remove it. The phone thinks the screen protector is your ear pressed against the phone and will not display the dial pad.

I have a AT&T LG and when I answer my phone no

You need to either go to a At&t warranty center or a local repair facility in your area and tell them your ear speaker is not working.

I’m happy to help further over the phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/brandon_156682b88afabb53



So, you brushed up against your desk, and shattered your phone's touch screen? I have the same phone, and I have dropped it several times, including on concrete and pavement, and the screens have not even been scratched. I am not saying I have not been lucky, or that you might not have a dud phone, but I think you are understating the truth a bit. Also, you are asking people to solve a problem that has only a couple (very obvious) solutions: Check if the the phone can be repaired by a professional, or, most likely, get a new phone. Sucks, but that's how it goes ;)

LG Bottom freezer too hot

hello there,
really,it just four week old and suddenly no freeze at bottom then going upward until it gone! well! try to adjust the thermostat setting to the coldest and switch on again observed,or have attach a screw driver on compressor motor let your ear hear the vibration if motor is running,if you hear running let have it for 15 minutes and feel the evaporator if some cold emerged.
if noting happen or compressor motor is not running call your
service center on your service manual the location and contact number is there,have your warranty paper to claim its just a new one.have a nice day,don't forget to rate me,thank's a lot
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