Microsoft Xbox 360 Console Logo
Posted on Apr 30, 2008

The green won't go on

I can turn the xbox 360 on but the green lights wont turn on so i cant program my controller to it

the ring of lights dont turn on at all but i can see the main menu

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  • Posted on Dec 29, 2008
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I have the same problem i think its the rf module its a board that has both the power button with lights and the reciever for the joystick


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  • Contributor 21 Answers
  • Posted on May 01, 2008
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There is a small white button on the front of the console, and one on the front of the controller, push both so the controller and console will recognize each other. Also if you have a play and charge kit you can try plugging the controller directly into the xbox usb port. That should work.


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Related Questions:


My xbox 360 will turn on but the lil green circle wont light up and controller wont connect?

Your xbox 360 may not actually be on if there's no green light and your controller won't connect. If pressing the power button doesn't turn on the console/green light doesn't come on then your motherboard may be bad.

Controller wont hook up with console ?

Is this a new controller?
Are the batteries new/recharged?

This is the sequence summary on where you are going to focus:
Step 1 - Controller
Step 2 - Console
Step 3 - Console
Step 4 - Controller
Step 5 - Both

Assuming your controller is a wireless version, Lets start!

Step 1 | Press and hold the Xbox Guide button until the controller turns on. The Xbox Guide button is the round button with the green "X" near the center of the controller.

Step 2 | Make sure that your Xbox 360 console is turned on. If your Xbox 360 console is not turned on, press the power button. The power button is the large round button on your Xbox 360 console.

Step 3 | On the Xbox 360 console, press and release the Connect button. The Connect button is the small round button on the Xbox 360 console.

Step 4 | On the controller, press and release the Connect button. The Connect button is the small button on the front edge of the controller, between the left bumper button and the charging port.

Step 5 | After the Ring of Light spins and flashes one time on the controller and on the console, the controller is connected. The quadrant on the Ring of Light that remains lit indicates the position in which the controller is connected.

Light indicator on console
Green light in the center- power is on
Green light on one quadrant - controller is connected
Four green lights rotating on four quadrants - ready to connect with controller

Light indicator on wireless controllers
No lights - no batteries
Green steady light on one quadrant - connected
Blinking green lights - its either its ready to connect or the batteries are dying

*Make sure that you have a fully recharged rechargeable batteries
*Make sure that you have a functioning/new non-rechargeable batteries
*If the steps above aren't working use another Xbox360 controller and follow the same steps.

If the new/working controller is connecting with the console this means that the previous controller is faulty - needs replacement.
If the new/working controller is not connecting with the console this may mean that the console is faulty - needs repair.


My controller and xbox wont connect

To connect the controller to your Xbox 360 console, follow these steps:
  1. Press and hold the Xbox Guide button until the controller turns on. The Xbox Guide button is the round button with the green "X" near the center of the controller.
  2. Make sure that your Xbox 360 console is turned on. If your Xbox 360 console is not turned on, press the power button. The power button is the large round button on your Xbox 360 console.
  3. On the Xbox 360 console, press and release the Connect button. The Connect button is the small round button on the Xbox 360 console.
  4. On the controller, press and release the Connect button. The Connect button is the small button on the front edge of the controller, between the left bumper button and the charging port.
  5. After the Ring of Light spins and flashes one time on the controller and on the console, the controller is connected. The quadrant on the Ring of Light that remains lit indicates the position in which the controller is connected.

My xbox 360 and wireless controller will sync but then it wont show that they are connected and even though i turned on my console by using the button on the console it just shows the green light turn on...

To connect the controller to your Xbox 360 console, follow these steps:
  1. Press and hold the Xbox Guide button until the controller turns on. The Xbox Guide button is the round button with the green "X" near the center of the controller.
  2. Make sure that your Xbox 360 console2_bing.gif is turned on. If your Xbox 360 console is not turned on, press the power button. The power button is the large round button on your Xbox 360 console2_bing.gif.
  3. On the Xbox 360 console, press and release the Connect button. The Connect button is the small round button on the Xbox 360 console.
  4. On the controller, press and release the Connect button. The Connect button is the small button on the front edge of the controller, between the left bumper button and the charging port.
  5. After the Ring2_bing.gif of Light spins and flashes one time on the controller and on the console, the controller is connected. The quadrant on the Ring of Light that remains lit indicates the position in which the controller is connected.

Cant sync drum kit

after the 4 green lights are flashing you sould just wait for 10 sec and then it shall be connected.

Unless, try to change batteries on the drum kit, and then try again.

Xbox turns on but i have no green lights

What appears to be the problem in my case is that the RF module board in which the power button and the controller sync lies has been damaged. If aboslutely no lights come on when you power on your xbox 360, but it loads like normal, something has fried on the module and needs to be replaced. You can ether contact microsoft about this, or buy one off of ebay and install it yourself or have someone who knows how install it for you. Doing so would void your warrenty of course though.

None of the lights in the ring light up and the controlers wont sync.

I FIXED THE PROBLEM! all i did was unplug it from everything my ethernet my HDMI cable and my power cable took the faceplate off and it worked. but i suggest waiting about 10 min then plug it back in. hope this helped

Wireless controller

I dont know if you have been able to figure out what the proble was with your 360, but the exact SAME thing happened to me. The 360 seems to be working fine, game loads, and both the consoles and the controllers rings lit up green, but then the controllers ring just keeps flashing and the console won't recognize it. I 've tried other controllers and nothing worked and obviously I tried to synch it with the console time and time again. PLEASE HELP!!!

Red ring

check your AV cables

No ring of light no red nor green and controllers wont connect

i assume you mean wirelss controllers, if so, on the front of the console there is a round connect button marked '>>',( to the right of the memory port 2) press and release this and there is a little pairing connect button on the controller at the front press this, then the lights should then circulate and stop in either the upper left or upper right segments. you can view here if you prefer illustrations
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