iLO (2 GB) MP3 Player Logo

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Posted on Apr 30, 2008
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Flash loading After changing battery playerwil not go past flash loading. have tried several new batteries

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  • Posted on Jul 05, 2008
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Joined: Feb 04, 2008

This is the worst mp3 player ever invented - i have to tell you this up front. There is no driver, the company does not support the product anymore - I would return it now while you still can.

Either the device is bad, the pc port is bad, or the software is faulty. Try connecting to different usb port, then a usb port on a different pc with a compatible os. If still not recognized, then there is physical damage to player.

Try this: disconnect the player from the computer, turn it off, hold in the volume + button, and reconnect the player to the computer while holding the volume + button in. Keep holding the volume + button for an additional 5-50 seconds. Windows should eventually go into recovery mode and revive the player- it will pop up a window that says Found New Hardware Wizard.

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There is a short-circuit happened at your laptop or the laptop charger.

I have a Samsung Smooth and it wont turn on past the first loading screen. I took out the battery, waited, and put it back in, several times, and it still wont turn on. What should I do?

What you need to do is to first check if the battery is properly charged. Insert it in another phone and try to power it on, if it turns the phone on and stays on for a while, then it means the battery is alright, but if it does not power it on, then it means the battery is weak and cannot power the phone on beyond the loading screen.
Also you need to test the phone by trying to use another well charged battery in the phone to see if will turn on, if it does turn on, then you know it is the battery that is faulty, but if it does not turn on, then you know the problem is from the phone.
First get the phone flashed before you can commence further repairs on the phone.
Hope this information helped.

I have a Metz 60CT4, I've had it for years and it

A new dryfit battery is delivered fully loaded. So you will not have to charge it the first time. My 5 year old dryfit battery still is holding enough energy to help me through the darker moments. I have it charged now once after an average of 400/500 flash pictures (when do you need full power with this flash?), which is every two to three weeks (normal hobby use).

Inspiron Battery Light Flashing Orange


Dell has a chip internal to the battery programed to shut down after a certain number of charge cycles. This means every time you plug the laptop in with the battery installed. When it reaches this determined number the battery effectively shuts down, even though technically it's still good. There have been loads of complaints on the net toward Dell over this issue. I have myself experience this. Battery good one day, powered down, went home, powered up... only to receive the deadly flashing light. Only cure is to replace battery. Several hacks trying to get around this but they're all horrible. Bad Dell - bad, bad Dell!

Flashing battery symbol, not fixed by new batteries

Have you tried just the one set of replacement batteries?

Cheap batteries can cause this problem (they are the right voltage but can't supply sufficient current) or sometime you can just get a dud.

Once you have ruled this out, check that all the battery contacts (both on the batteries and in the camera) are clean and free from any oxidization.

Hopefully this will solve your problem. It would be highly coincidental if a fault developed at the same time as the batteries ran out.

Hope this helps.

Have used the camera successfully for the past 9 months, up until Friday no problems. Then all of a sudden camera just shut down, while in use. I've re-charged the battery several times longest period of...

maybe you droped it in water or on the floor. have you tryed changing the battery at all? if so you should take it back to the shop they got it from and explain it to them. they should give you your money back or give you a new one!!
Apr 13, 2009 • Cameras

Pearl won't turn on

I press on the menu to start the device and it show's PEARL but won't go past that. I've taken the battery out and put fresh batteries in and it remains on that until the batteries died and then I put new battery in and it did the same. It won't go past the loading image and the computer say's to check the device, but from what I can tell, nothings wrong

My flash does not work

In the menu on the camera there are several choices of flash you can make, such as fill in, red eye reduction, or off. Make sure your camera is set up as desired. Also, the infrared is used for distance measurement. may need to scroll down past the shown choices.
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