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Posted on Apr 29, 2008

Help I really need help in formulating an excel formula in making a basic programs that includes names and their given codes. This is my first time to try excel programing please help me. Thanks!

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What kind of program u want to made

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Average Handling Time for Emails

You only need one formula for this.
Total handling time divided by the total number of emails answered.

Not able to scroll on my excel sheet

It's only in Excel you can't scroll? Can you scroll from side to side? If you have Excel 2003, try to press the "window" tab on the top and if the freeze pane is checked, uncheck it. Or if it says unfreeze pane, press that one. Hope this helps :)

I purchased microsoft office version 2003 after downloading a trial version. the purchased copy unlocked word, outlook, publisher and excel but not powerpoint, which is what I really need for a homework...

Powerpoint is not in the 'basic' version of Microsoft Office 2003. All other versions should include Powerpoint.

If you really need it now and you can't solve it, you may download OpenOffice at . This contains the program 'Impress', with which you can make Powerpoint presentations. OpenOffice is free, because it's Open Source software.

Excel 2003: Help with LOG formula

You've got some parenthesis in the wrong place. Try this:


Step1. Start Microsoft Excelmag-glass_10x10.gif and open the file you want to change. Step2. Double-click on the cell where you want the total to appear. Step3. Press the = key on the keyboard. This tells Excel that you are entering a formula into the cell. Step4. Enter the formula, then press Enter. Follow the steps below for an example. Step5. Enter an opening parenthesis character: (. Step6. Enter a cell name. For example: =(E2. Step7. Press the + key. Step8. Enter another cell name and a closing parenthesis character: ). For example: =(E2+E3). Step9. Enter a minus sign and a third cell name. For example: =(E2+E3)-E4. Step10. Press the Enter key to accept the formula. The cell will display the sum of the first two cells minus the third cell. $('.Article .Steps .Image').each(function(i,e){ e = $(e); e.find('img').error(function(){ $(this).unbind(); e.remove(); }); });
Tips & Warnings
  • Formulas are just equations. Instead of adding or subtracting numbers you are adding and subtracting the contents of a cell.
  • Excel includes a number of predefined functions to use as well. You can combine the predefined functions into your own formula. (See "How to Use Provided Excel Formulas.")
I hope it helps!!!

Excel Formulas!

Does the search formula help?

Copying data from one sheet to another if two fileds match

Nope, sorry, although I am truly an expert at Excel formulas, I do not understand what you are trying to end up with in the final cell. We can compare a specified field with two spreadsheets - use named ranges and index/match lookup formulas. But then where you really lose me is in reading "a generic field" to find a match, and then placing what "data from another field" into what "other sheet" - ? See the confusion?

Best way to compare 2 given parameters would be to use a nested if formula, with index/match combo. Here is a simple Excel example of how such a formula could be structured:

Sample Data (columnar arangement):
A1: Part B1: Code C1: Price D1: Find Part E1: Find Code
A2: x B2: 11 C2: 5.00 D2: y E2: 12
A3: x B3: 12 C3: 6.00 D3: y E3: 11
A4: y B4: 11 C4: 7.00 D4: x E4: 12
A5: y B5: 12 C5: 8.00 D5: x E5: 11

To retrieve the price for part y with code 12 and return the value to cell F2, type the following formula in cell F2:

Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the formula as an array formula. The formula returns the value 8.00.

To take this one step further, with range names, this example will find one value at a specified location which matches a specific row header value and column header value. Let's say the range is home values (Range=HomeVal), Column A of HomeVal contains street addresses,"row headers" (Range=StAddress), and Row 1 contains dates of the various values that are in the body of the table, "column headers" (Range=Dates). To return the specific value from the range HomeVal to another sheet, where A1=address specified and A2=date specified:

Then make sure to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the formula as an array formula - if you only hit enter, these types of formulas will not work properly.

Please post back if you need further help, with more details, otherwise thank you for using and rating FixYa!

Help wth excel

Fee's 07-08 Fee's 08-09 Fee's 08-09 Fee's 08-09 5% 7% 10% £17.50 £18.38 £18.72 £19.25

I am trying to work out the % of 5% 7% and 10% of 17.50 in a formule. - can you help?

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