Copying data from one sheet to another if two fileds match
Nope, sorry, although I am truly an expert at Excel formulas, I do not understand what you are trying to end up with in the final cell. We can compare a specified field with two spreadsheets - use named ranges and index/match lookup formulas. But then where you really lose me is in reading "a generic field" to find a match, and then placing what "data from another field" into what "other sheet" - ? See the confusion?
Best way to compare 2 given parameters would be to use a nested if formula, with index/match combo. Here is a simple Excel example of how such a formula could be structured:
Sample Data (columnar arangement):
A1: Part B1: Code C1: Price D1: Find Part E1: Find Code
A2: x B2: 11 C2: 5.00 D2: y E2: 12
A3: x B3: 12 C3: 6.00 D3: y E3: 11
A4: y B4: 11 C4: 7.00 D4: x E4: 12
A5: y B5: 12 C5: 8.00 D5: x E5: 11
To retrieve the price for part y with code 12 and return the value to cell F2, type the following formula in cell F2:
Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the formula as an array formula. The formula returns the value 8.00.
To take this one step further, with range names, this example will find one value at a specified location which matches a specific row header value and column header value. Let's say the range is home values (Range=HomeVal), Column A of HomeVal contains street addresses,"row headers" (Range=StAddress), and Row 1 contains dates of the various values that are in the body of the table, "column headers" (Range=Dates). To return the specific value from the range HomeVal to another sheet, where A1=address specified and A2=date specified:
Then make sure to press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter the formula as an array formula - if you only hit enter, these types of formulas will not work properly.
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