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Posted on Apr 29, 2008


  • Anonymous Mar 20, 2009

    When the wireless connection button or optionis off, the "connect to internet" process ends up telling you that there is usually a switch on the front or side of the laptop, or a combination of function keys. So the only new useful info (if true) in this answer is that it won't be on the side.

    FN-WIreless (which on my laptop seems to be FN-F2) did not work. WHat I wanted is the locatoin of this switch.

  • Anonymous May 11, 2010

    What kind of lap top and what Operating System are you running?


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  • Posted on Apr 29, 2008
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Joined: Apr 29, 2008

Most laptops have a switch infront of the lap to on the wireless, if not, there iz usually a shortcut combination for that its fn+wireless symbol.

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Related Questions:


I can't get on with my wireless on my laptop? What do i need to do to pick up my wireless on my laptop from my router?

check first your laptop if their is a button for wireless to enable it, or check some function keys to enable your wireless.

My laptop can't find the router

Hi Ted,

If your Laptop cant find your router there are things that you need to check to be able to know if the problem is caused by the router or by the computer. On your computer you can check if the wireless adapter is properly installed or check if the wireless switch is on. If your not familair with the wireless switch of your laptop you can refer to this link. Just find the model of your laptop. Then after you enable the switch of your laptop you can check the Wireless Settings Page of the router if the wireless is enable.

To access your router you need a working computer connected to the router then open a Browser then type the username is admin and the password is blank. Go the the Wireless Settings Page and under Wireless Network Settings make sure that there is a Tick or a Check on Enable Wireless.

Rate me if this helps so i can help others.

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Hi. I have just formatted the hardrive on my computer and installed everything again. after installing the Wireless i cant find my own wireless network. i have another laptop witch are connected to the...

Hi there,
First of all you need to see two things in the system 1. Drivers 2. Wireless button Light
1. If the drivers are installed you will see wireless icon in the taskbar bilalseham.jpg
if its not available you can check two things 1. Drivers are installed properly 2. Either its enable or disable
You will see the drivers by right clicking my computer>Manage> Device Manager Right click my Network Places> Properties> wireless network connection right click and select Enable
2. Wireless Button Light Infront of the laptop where you see the Audio Jacks and You see two white buttons (Right one is Wireless Enable/Disable Button) when its Disabled you will not see any light When Enabled you will see Orange light Blinking or stable. Press once and it should get enabled. and if you have installed Launch Manager you will also see notification on screen that WIRELESS ENABLED OR WIRELESS DISABLED
Follow above steps and you will be able to see the wireless connection,
Drivers Link: Wireless LAN Driver ( Atheros) Wireless LAN Driver (Broadcom)
If you require more assistance feel free to reply to this post
Regards, BA

Enable wireless on Hp probook 6550b

Hi there,
You can enable your wireless lan via quick launch button on the strip , when tapped it will show you blue light when disabled it will show you with orange light, if you see that light is still blue but you are unable to find any wireless network in network and sharing center
simply open network and sharing center > go to change adapter settings right click on wireless network connection and select enable ,
now your wireless should work,
Feel free to contact us if you require more assistance,
Regards, Bilal

How do i enable my advent laptop 5301 to go wireless useing the f10 button i have lost my manual and have been told i need to enable my laptop with the f10 button but dont know what other button to use...

The wireless is enabled on this laptop by pressing the function (Fn) key and F10 key at the same time. The wireless needs to be turned on every time the computer is restarted.
Fn+F10 - Enable/ Disable Wireless

WRT120N how to enable wireless option

Wireless should be enabled by default on the router. Check whether you have switched on wireless on your laptop.

Please rate if helpful.


Enabling wireless capablility


Your laptop should have a switch on the front or side that switches your wireless radio on. If this has been done you must right-click on the wireless indicator and you should see en enable option. These are the only 2 places you can enable or disable the wireless radio.

Wireless router not working wirelessly

First of all,check the DHCP option in wireless router.If its enable then go to remote user whether PC or laptop enable the DHCP option.

Defaultly laptop have wireless adapter.But IN system doesnot have.SO you need to buy a new wireless adapter..

How do i enable wireless function on samsung v20 laptop?

you can try pressing fn+f10 to switch on and switch off wireless

Wireless security

You can enable different type of wireless security so you can make sure that only your laptop can use the wireless network, the first thing that you can do is to enable WPA security which is one of the highest wireless security that is use now, you can also enable MAC filtering and just set to the router that only your laptop will be able to use the wireless internet....
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