If you look on the video card there will be a sticker with the model number on it. you cansearch for it on google to then find out who manufactures the video card. then you can go to there website to download the most current driver for the video card. also you can right click your desktop go to properties the on the settings tab click the advanced button. the under the adapter tab it should inform you of the video card you have in the pc. then you can go to their website to get the most current driver.
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If you look on the video card there will be a sticker with the model number on it. you cansearch for it on google to then find out who manufactures the video card. then you can go to there website to download the most current driver for the video card. also you can right click your desktop go to properties the on the settings tab click the advanced button. the under the adapter tab it should inform you of the video card you have in the pc. then you can go to their website to get the most current driver.
that's not unusual. you'll need to enquire from the people you purchased this item through, as to what is the video card installed with computer.