Saeco 00034 Incanto Sirius Super Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine Logo

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Posted on Apr 29, 2008
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Makes 2 cups instead of 1 when you only want 1

The machine makes 2 cups when you press just 1 cup. When you press a cup size (e.g. medium or big), as it starts grinding, it says "1 cup" as it should. However, a few seconds into the grinding, it automatically (by itself) turns to making "2 cups". This doesn't happen all the time, but enough to make it very annoying, not to mention wasteful. Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Anonymous Oct 22, 2008

    I have the same problem. Where can I get a tough card?

  • Anonymous Oct 22, 2008

    sorry I meant touch card. Please email me at [email protected]


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  • Expert 515 Answers
  • Posted on Jul 10, 2008
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You have to change the touch card on the machine.

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Are you asking how to clean the drum surface? Set load size on
medium and add 2 cups of CLEANING vinegar - do not put clothes
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Hi. When I try to make a large cup of coffee, the machine makes more like a medium size cup. What can I do to fix that and get a true large cup? Thanks.

When making a cup of coffee hold the button in until the coffee reaches the height you want then release button. You can set the 3 sizes in this manner
Ray AU

Our Keurig B60 displays "NOT READY Auto off set" and does nothing. What can we do to bring it back to life?

Press the off/on switch and poof on the machine and then check. If that is not helping then try this procedure as follows:--- 1. Simultaneously press and release "small mug" and "medium mug". Immediately afterward press "menu" 3 times. (Menu is the black button under the display screen .) You should see a time 6:09 on your screen.

2. Press "menu" once. Your LCD screen should say Brew 0:00.

3. (I messed this step up like 10 times and had to unplug the machine, then replug it and start over at step one. You have to unplug if the LCD displays "auto ____". If it continues to flash "Not Ready" and "Brew" then you can just keep trying step 3). Press and hold "medium mug". While holding "medium mug" press and release "menu". Immediately after pressing "menu" (while still holding "medium mug") press "small mug". Release "small mug" and "medium mug" at the same time. This entire thing needs to be done very quickly. as soon as you release "menu" go to "small mug" and release both buttons quickly.

4. Unplug the machine (do not turn it off). Wait for 3 seconds or so. Plug it back in, turn it on and follow the instructions for priming.
--------- If this instructions also not helping then try this, instead of holding the medium cup while pushing and releasing menu .you simutaneously push and release medium cup and menu and then medium cup and small cup and then check out. Thanks. keep updated for any more can rate this solution and show your appreciation.

Will not made medium cup of coffee. Makes only small size. Large size comes out medium size and watered down in potency.

mcdevito75 here, Sounds like a defective machine, Hope you had warrantee. Contact Keurig online or phone, thru the owner manual.

Keurig platinum only makes 1/2 cup

call customer service 1-866-901-BREW (2739)

I don't know how to make coffee.

The best way, if using ground coffee, 1 teaspoon per cup. Depends how big your coffee pot holds of water. So if you're planning to make coffee for 12 cups, just put in 12 teaspoons. Best Part is you can ground your own fresh ground coffee, or ground them at your Favorite Store, like Hazelnut etc.

You can buy the pouches. They make them for 4 cups 6 cups 8 cups, etc. (Like the ones they give you when you stay at the hotel). Fill the proper amount of water, for cups you're making.

My favorite are the single cups. Folgers makes them in regular and decaf. Look like tea bags, and they for 1 Medium Cup of Coffee. After you are done, just throw away.
Good Luck :0)
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