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Posted on Apr 29, 2008

At wits end with ps3 not readn discs

Wont resd any discs old and new started gradualy and got worse a month later tried all dvd cleaners and air no better do i and how do i send it back 2 sony at wits end please have a home remidy 4 me thanks

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  • Posted on May 01, 2008
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Unfortunally yeah you have to send it back to sony. theres no other way of fixing it, not that i know of.

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1answer ps3 (slim) console cant play the disc game because after i instert the disc few seconds later there's a sound (like when the disc start to eject) but the disc still inside and the icon for game...

Step 1: Does another game disc work?
Step 2: If so then the problem lies within that disc. If another game disc does not work check all your discs for scratches.
Step 3: if your discs are all Dirty/Scratched try cleaning them with a soft cloth or disc cleaner. Step 4: If none of these yield results try cleaning out the disc sensor inside the ps3.
Step 5: this can be done with a compressed dust cleaner (spray can) or a very SOFT brush. You do not want to damage the ps3. Step 6: This should yield results. If not then there is a hardware malfunction.

I have just bought the ps3 move starter disc now it wont load games or dvds it will not work with new controls and old

You might have multiple issues going on here. First take a can of air and blow some air gently into the dvd drive. This will make sure there is no dust or dirt on the laser. If you still can't get any discs to load then the drive is probably bad but since no controls are working new or old, it could be a motherboard problem in which you would need to either get it replaced by Sony if your ps3 is under warranty or just get a new PS3.

Disc reading display

Have you tryed to clean it wit a lens cleaner. Sounds like just needs a good cleaning.
Hope this helps you

Will not resd disks ps3

clean the lens reader with cleaner disk
then the device will reads
all the disks

PS3 wont play games but will play DVD, Blue Ray

You seem to have alot of problems with your console.

Ps3 wont read any game/dvd

How old is your PS3?
Not loading 1 particular disc or all disc?

Assuming you PS3 starts up into the console screen, and fairly used, it might be time to replace the lens.

PS3 wont play load games, have blue ray and normal dvd play

You can try cleaning the laser lens with a cd / dvd lens cleaner cd.

This usually doesn't work, your problem is 98% of the time caused by a Sony defect in the blu-ray drive itself.

The drive will gradually get worse and worse.

If your system is under warranty then by all means get it repaired by Sony for free otherwise you're looking to pay $150 for Sony to repair their own mistake.

You can reach them @ 1-800-345-SONY

They'll probably suggest another System Restore, Firmware update and a 100 other solutions that won't work because it's hardware related.

Sorry for the bad news.

PS3 Not playing discs

First Clean the lens:

wont open, wont close, makes clicking/grinding noises etc.

Ps3 does not recognise any disc

man i too have a proble mm mine ps3 stopped reading ps3 disc but it reads only ps2 and other disc. but wont read ps3.. disc i tried getting a new one but it didnt work
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