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Posted on Apr 28, 2008

W880i flashing screen

i plugged my w880i into my computer and removed it however i didnt do it the safe way insted i pulled it out.
and now my phone is just flashing it does nothing but flash and even though my phone isnt connected to my computers usb drive it stil says its connected

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  • Contributor 1 Answer
  • Posted on May 01, 2008
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An expert who has achieved level 1.

Joined: May 01, 2008

Just take out the phone battery, put it again and turn it on.

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Sometimes when a flashmemory stick or USB external hard drive fails because it was not removed fromthe USB port properly. If the device is removed byjust pulling it out of the USB port, it can cause the flash device to fail, youmust click on the Safely Remove Hardware icon on the Task Bar and select thedevice you wish to remove and only do so when instructed to do so When the flash memoryUSB hard drive device appears to malfunction it maybe possible to restoreit by reformatting it. Insert the flash or USB hard drive into the USB port then Click on Control Panel - AdministrativeTools - Computer Management - Disk Management. Then right click on Disk 1removable drive and click Format. After the flash drive has been formatted itwill indicate that it is Healthy. You need to format the flash or external drive. Format thedrive as primary drive and in FAT32. (FAT32 will allow data to be exchanged betweenMACs and PCs also between XP/Vista and earlier versions of Windows).

How to use toshiba flash drive 2.0

Follow these steps :
Plug the flash drive into one of your computer's available USB ports.
Look for the "Found New Hardware" balloon to pop up in your system tray. When the installation is complete, you can either click the balloon or go to "My Computer" and double-click the flash drive to open it.
Open the folder containing the data you want to store on the flash drive. Either copy the files and paste them into the flash drive's folder, or drag and drop.
Click the "safely remove hardware" icon. This is an icon with a green arrow in the system tray in the lower right-hand corner of the screen. When you click it you will see a message that reads "Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device." Click that message box.
If your flash drive has a light, it will turn off when the drive can be removed. Otherwise, it is safe to remove the drive when the message box goes away. Remove the drive.

Using the jump drive device

no it shouldn't crash. you can just pull it out but i guess the "proper" way is to go to MyPC right click it and click eject

I want to restore my Dell inspiron 531 back to factory,

u can try to look in the controll panel to see if there is a restore button in there insted of using a cd

Se w880i - phone starts then wont show anything on screen

Ok, so whoever said you need the flash, shold flash their brains! Your backlights are burnt on the LCD - to change it costs about $80 because you need a new LCD screen at the same time.

Sony Ericsson W880i won't turn on


Im about to make your day (Hopefully)

The same thing happened to me, i just fixed mines 2 minutes ago.

Follow this link

Download the software

and follow instructions.

it will even tell you how to connect to the computer
even if it doesnt switch on.

Follow it trust me it helped me :)

However some of your things might be lost.

But NOT Sim contacts.
Mines have not gone
so there is a possibility they might stay.

Its just a software update.

By the way, when you have to chose the phones from the menu

pick the w880 as their is no w880i option
it works the same

So there you go

same link

Good Luck :)
Oct 21, 2007 • Cell Phones

Mobile fone

Hi andyb,
is your mobile phone W880i? try to remove the battery for about 5 mins and then turn it back on, give me a feedback. :)
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