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Posted on Apr 28, 2008
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Just format my hp.. but wireless doesn't work.. it seems like it wont turn on at all..

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  • Posted on Apr 28, 2008
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Joined: Apr 01, 2008

Install the drivers?

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I'm using a Toshiba L505-10W. recently i've installed windows 8 consumer preview. my wireless doesn't turn on and the flash cards doesn't work either. realized that even my bluetooth d

The drivers for the hardware don't exist for windows 8. You need to format. turn on holding the 0 key. follow steps to set to factory defaults, save your pictures and documents first cause this will erase them.

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Seems like a dirty or a bad switch altogether. With the face cover off, try spraying it with an electrical parts cleaner. If that doesn't work, replace it.

I purchased a SBG901 and have connected 2 MAC pc's wireless - 1 HP printer and 1 Compag laptop, I have one more pc which is running Vista on a HP Pavilion dv5 and visited the HP website to update

It might not be anything your doing wrong, the wireless portion of the card may have just gone bad. you could check this out by reconnecting your old router back up to verify it works or doesn't. If it doesn't work your wireless in your laptop went bad presuming that the wireless was not deactivated on the laptop. if it does work the Vista Driver may be incompatible with the new router, you may be able to hook up both routers at the same time which would allow you to keep using your HP system.

Hi, I have a HP Compaq nx6110 with Broadcom wireless adapter, and I have a Wireless problem. I've recently reinstalled my OS, it's a Win XP SP3, and ever since my wireless adapter wont start, it...

  1. Make sure to press the WiFi button on your notebook. You should see a blue light if your WiFi adapter is on.
  2. If that doesn't work, download and install the latest version of the wireless adapter driver.

Acer 7720z wireless doesn`t work

Most Acers use a form of Intel IPN2220 Wireless card. If yours does, you use XP and your router is using WPA or WPA2 (TKIP or AES) security then you'll need to update the driver by searching for it manually using the Custom button (Hardware) in Windows update (instead of Express). This driver is not part of XP service pack 2 or 3. In my experience if you don't update to the newest common form of home wireless security (WPA2 AES) then the older formats seem to become unreliable in the way you describe

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-- do you have the wireless connection ikon in network connections, -- if yes try to find the wireless networks in range by right clicking on the ikon and than get connected. check if that works.

Unable to connect to my wireless system with hp pavilion dv6353us

install software for ur plug in wireless then plug in ur wireless ...not until this point will system find and install....then get online and find driver for ur internal wireless and install.....when u remove ur external and restart system will recognise internal as only wireless and configure ...if still have problem ....and ur problem wont be wireless Itll be getting online....then u need to config wireless differently.
let me know
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