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Anonymous Posted on Apr 28, 2008

It's not fair :(

The laptop works fine, it's just there's this game that's VERY HARD!!!! Could you help me with levels 15-21?

Here's the link:

  • Anonymous Apr 28, 2008

    And where are these groups?


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  • Posted on Apr 28, 2008
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Joined: Feb 02, 2008

He.he..there are groups online for that sort of help..

  • Anonymous Apr 28, 2008

    all over the net..try a google search on rollercoaster forums..good luck and thankya for using fixya


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Related Questions:


Is it possible to add an external graphic card to my laptop for gaming purpose?

no.but their is a software that might work for gaming.call "3DAnalyze" helps you run 3d Gamesgo to google and download it, find its manual also.
hope that will help you.

I accidentally configured my 120 gb xbox hard drive and now it won't read

ok configured it with another format??? or configured it within the xbox console?? if you have copyed games loaded to your hard drive before and you have xbox live and updated then you no longer can play games straight from the hard drive but if you mean its just not working get a sata to usb cable connect it too your laptop/pc and format it into fat32 and then configure it again within the xbox if that dosnt work its because the hard drive is corrupted visit my website google it xbox360repairspro.webs.com
please leave gr8 feedback though for me as its important because i dont get paid for doing this so i think its fair to at least give me good feedback so i can carry on helping people with there problems ive helped over 120 people and only 6 gave me feedback so its important to me please help me to help you.

Laptop is in a continuous loop and i don't know how to fix it.

Sorry we missed before, it was a hang up on my line. Here is laptop's details. Fairly it's not a bad laptop. Since it's situation is good (no screen problems, no case craches e.t.c.) I suggest a hard disk replacement. It's much cheaper than laptop replacement, since it is working fine. A memory upgrade would be a goo idea too.

Sorry again for the hang up.

In case of a problem or clarification, don't hesitate to post me a reply before rejecting my answer.
If you are satisfied, rate my solution with the "thumbs" or (even better) add a testimonial.

Thanks and regards
direct FixYa link: http://www.fixya.com/users/technical114

I keep gettin error " 80010514" only when I play Madden 2011. All ten of my other games work just fine. Is it the game or does my system need an update to play Madden?

i have the exact same problem except with red dead redemption, all my other games work fine, but rdr has this error code, im fairly sure it has something to do with the hard drive though. when i first got the game that code came up, the second time i tried to play it worked fine, it seemed to be like a 10% chance it would work however when the patch was released it wouldnt work at all, as soon as i pressed the disc icon the message immdiatly displayed whereas before it would at least try and launch. so i went into the utility and deleted the rdr file. now its back to a 10% chance of working, however i cant go online with it and when it does work it usually ends up going all weird and stuff like people with no faces and horse riding glitch

My toshiba u300 doesnot run games good why?

While the main specs of this notebook are good, the graphics card is fairly entry-level and designed more for applications than games.
Unfortunately you're not going to be able to push it's performance much for games. You can try running the games at lower resolution or on lower graphics settings for a smoother performance.

Need help

hey what level and I can help you

Halo 3 prob wont let me go past level 4 says disc error

you can try installing the game onto your hard drive and then playing it, or try to get a new copy of the game. the xbox number is 1-800-4MY-XBOX

the only way i know to clear the hdd is to do it manualy from the dashboard.

Cod5 (setting up game...)

Download the game to your hard drive and then go online
this worked for sevaral people with the same problem

"please rate this guide"

Laptop videocard

I would NOT recomment upgrading anything other than RAM and Hard drives on a laptop. It's very expensive, and can't always be done. If you want a gaming computer I'd recommend a desktop computer, as you will get a lot more "umph" for a lot less buck.

Same goes for upgrades. It's easy and fairly cheap (unless you want to have the absolute top knotch parts all the time) with a desktop because so many can use the same parts. Lots of laptops have "their own kind" of parts, which makes them expensive.

Keep the laptop for portability whenever you need your computer with you.
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