Sony KP-57WS510 57" Rear Projection HDTV Logo

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Anonymous Posted on Apr 27, 2008

Sony rear projection TV

Unless I'm going crazy, (a possibility) I've noticed that my picture is significantly dimmer.

I've tried changing the "pic mode" and it still seems not quite as bright.

I was wondering if there is a way to check it for sure, or to reset it somehow.


Larry Statkus
[email protected]

  • Anonymous May 12, 2008

    Larry, I don't think you're going crazy. If you are you're in good company. I have noticed that my Sony (I don't know the model #, but it's a 60 inch rear projection HDTV) has been quite a bit dimmer. I tried to adjust the brightness, but it was already maxed out. I hope someone answers your question soon, because I'm hoping there is an easy solution (there never is) to fix this problem. I love my TV.


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  • Posted on Sep 08, 2009
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No more than likely your lamps are just dirty. take the back of and wipe them clean with a clean clothe. THen if the problem persists you are looking at a lamp issue. but try and clean first.( I had the same problem.)


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  • Posted on Jun 15, 2008
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If your tv uses a lamp then change the lamp


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Hi, yes it`s time to replace the lamp, and remember to turn maxxed out brightness to normal once you replace the lamp :) good luck, video-tek

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hi, you`ve lost your convergence ic`s, unless your very proficient at solder work I`d advise you call a tech, will require removing 2 large IC`s and possibly a few small support parts, resistors, chemical fuses etc. Every place is a little different but runs approx. 300.00 at my shop, gl, video-tek

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unless you work on t.v.s this is nothing you can service.check your warranty &/or call a qualified service tech.hope this helps

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