IBM ThinkPad R50e Notebook Logo

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Posted on Apr 27, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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IBM - Access password problem

Normally when my laptop encounters problem, I will use the software ACCESS IBM provided to restore factory settings. But recently the password to software has not been recognised by the system. Please help

  • 1 more comment 
  • Anonymous Apr 28, 2008

    I'm locked out of my notebook. It keeps prompting for a password. Can you help?

  • vangdovan Mar 21, 2009

    I change CMOS password as blank pasword, then reset laptop. But i can't access by blank password and old password. Help me!!!!!!!!

  • Scott Hill
    Scott Hill May 11, 2010

    what is the model and when did the password start prompting? was it after a service etc? more info please


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  • Posted on Oct 04, 2008
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Joined: Oct 04, 2008

When clicking Access IBM nothing happens.....Please help

Scott Hill

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  • Master 558 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 30, 2008
Scott Hill
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Joined: Apr 27, 2008

Sorry if someone accessed the laptop and placed a password on it I can not help you nor can anyone except whomever placed the password on the laptop. Sorry


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Related Questions:


How do I restore a IBM Thinkpad to factory settings I have tried to logon to windows XP it open's, but but will not let me in. I have pressed F11 and got Startup Interrup Menu

If it has the blue IBM Access button on it, press that immediately after turning on the computer. It should load a page with options to run a recovery.
More info here:

Would like to reset my ibm laptop it says my mircosoft online service is temporarily unavailable and my laptop is slower than ever

Hi and welcome to Fixya1

To reset the machine back to the factory settings, just follow these steps:
    • 1 Shutdown your machine and make sure that the charger is plugged in before doing the reset. Turn on the machine.
    • 2 Press the blue Access IBM button on your ThinkPad keyboard at the screen prompt. The screen prompt reads "To interrupt normal startup, press the blue Access IBM button." This interrupts the Windows reboot process.
    • 3 Double click "Recover to Factory Contents" at the Access IBM predesktop menu.
    • 4 Follow the recovery wizard prompts to initiate the factory restoration process. Your ThinkPad will automatically reboot upon completion.
Hope this helps!


I am trying to restore my IBM Thinkpad 2647 model to factory settings but don't know how.

While switching ON your Laptop, press Thinkpad Access button(Blue colour) which is there in top most left side and select the option restore factory settings.

Hope the above answer solves your queries.
Revert back for further assistance or clarifications.


How to set the ibm pc to factory setting, whick key to press for that.

Hi !!

Thank you for choosing

You can follow the steps given below.

    On an IBM Laptop system
  1. Step 1 Back up your data before starting this process.
  2. Step 2 Turn off your computer. After the computer has completely shut down, turn the laptop on.
  3. Step 3 Press the "F1" button, or the blue Access IBM button if your laptop has that option.
  4. Step 4 Choose "Restore Factory Settings" from the Menu screen that opens on your computer.
  5. Step 5 Follow all onscreen instructions. When the process is complete, the laptop is restored to factory settings.

Hope this would help.

Thanks nd Regards

Anurag Shukla


Require bios password

IBM BIOS power on password, hard disk password are stored on an EEPROM chip and is almost impossible to crack. There are no backdoor passwords available.
These password protection are set to stop unauthorised access to data on the laptop, also moving the hard disk to another computer to read the data off the hard disk will not work either.
There is a way to hack into the EEPROM, but requires electronic hardware skills to build a reader device, a working computer and software.
For details on IBM password hack go to :-

Ibm restore to factory setting

You have not explained what is wrong with your computer.
Is the laptop working, does it boot up into Windows?
What are you trying to restore?
Are you trying to get into a previous Restore Point?
The Access button takes you into the BIOS, you can change the BIOS settings back to the Default settings (ie the factory default settings).
It is difficult to offer a solution without knowing the exact nature of the problem.

How to reset to factory setting . i have ibm thinkpad r50e.

Turn your unit off.
then turn it back on.
Watch the display carefully, Press the Blue Access IBM button when you see the message
"To interrupt normal start up, press the blue Access IBM button"
Then double click on "Recover to factory contents"
Follow the instructions on the screen.
When the Recovery process finishes, press enter.
Your computer will start with the pre-installed OS, Drivers and software.

If I could be of further assistance, let me know. If this helps or solves the issue, please rate it.
Thanks, Joe

I’m happy to assist further over the phone at

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