GE (PSS26MSRSS) Side by Side Refrigerator Logo
Posted on Apr 27, 2008
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Loud humming noise as fridge is running

My Samsung fridge is not yet a year old. It has started this loud humming noise while it is running. it varies how long this noise will go on, sometimes a few minutes other times a half hour. I flip the breaker to make it stop but ultimately it starts again. This happens many times in a day. I have opened the doors to see if the noise is loud inside the fridge and it seems to be coming from behind. There is a protective cover on the back so I can't see what is going on while the noise is present. Any suggestions? GE refrigerator is about 6 years old. It has a pretty loud hum that stops when you open the door on either the fridge or the freezer side. As soon as the door closes it starts again. Suggestions?

  • Anonymous Dec 12, 2008

    my fridge is making noise and it doesnot stop,any suggestions,plz


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Bill Newberry

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  • Expert 93 Answers
  • Posted on May 15, 2008
Bill Newberry
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Joined: Mar 25, 2008

Sounds like the freezer fan is rubbing some wires or possible some foam insulation around the fan. I would look into the freezer compartment fan and go from there. The fan Will Shut off when you open the doors. Let me know how you make out and if you need anymore help.


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Karl Whisenand

  • 1554 Answers
  • Posted on Jun 04, 2008

SOURCE: Loud humming noise as fridge is running

if you have ice buildup then the fridge may be low on freon.
or there is dust clogging around the pump or fan is not running.
remove the bottom or back and look around the compressor.
see that the fan is running.


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My samsung fridge/freezer is only 3 years old, just started making loud noise, then when the fridge is opened sounds like the fan making a loud noise that goes down and stops. Then not long after that...

Compressors usually make a thrumming/humming noise, so yes, this sounds like the fan. It could be something touching the fan blades, like ice or a wire. If you can unplug the fridge and remove panels near the fan, you may discover the problem.

Samsung rf265 series refridge is making a loud humming noise--only 1 year old

It is a well known defect.
the ice is builing up until it interferes with the fan.
The samsung people will not help you. You are screwed.
A&E appliance repair(Sears) told us to take all the food out and leave the doors open for 24 hours.
This happens at least once a month.
We cannot ever buy a fridge from Samsung again or from Lowes.
They ****** us hard. Good luck

My set started humming recently. Not real loud,

Hi, sounds like a bad color wheel, a technical repair that should be done be a trained repairman, cost around $250-275 installed

I’m happy to help further over the phone at


Sears Bottom Freezer Refrigerator - Loud humming noise

That sound is usually your icemaker calling for water. you can turn off your icemaker by lifting the little arm on the icemaker. As the icemaker calls for water the valve will be activated and will hum. This sound is usually not very loud. If your valve is making that much noise you may consider replacing the valve. The part number for you water inlet valve is #2315533 The retail price is $60.18 . I do have these on hand and available to ship out today if you need one. Please just let me know. You may also consider replacing your filter if your refrigerator has one. Thanks and I hope this will fixYa
Michael Anderson
Anderson Appliance

Loud humming noise as fridge is running

if you have ice buildup then the fridge may be low on freon.
or there is dust clogging around the pump or fan is not running.
remove the bottom or back and look around the compressor.
see that the fan is running.

Samsung side by side refridgerator making noise and freezing

its a heater cycle problem..the defroster is not working properly. its building up ice in the evaporator that touches the evaporator fan that makes that loud noise but stops when you open a door. it could be either a bad heater, a bad thermo disc or a bad timer.hope i was able to help
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