Creative Labs ZEN V Plus MP3 Player Logo

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Posted on Apr 27, 2008

My zen says not connected but it is

How do i fix this problem, my zen says not connected but it is , can you help me.

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  • dcnr May 03, 2008

    I am having the same problem. Where do I find the device driver? I can't get into anything if it is not connected. I need a step by step. Thanks

  • scwhite Aug 31, 2008

    When I hook my Zen up to the USB it shows on the player that it is connected and charging but I can not access the player via the Creative software. The software says that the player is not connected.

  • jc_fry Dec 31, 2008

    So, could somebody on here help those of us who aren't good with computers???? I don't know what "device driver" is. Please explian in the most basic terms on how to get my zen to say it's connected. Thanks all


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  • Posted on Aug 01, 2010
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My laptop says that my creative zen is not connected! What do i do to fix this problem?



Where do i find device driver?



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  • Posted on May 01, 2008
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Connect .. go>> device driver >> check USB 2 is present or not >> at bottom there must be a icon of portable media player >> clisk it>> creative player will be under it >> right click >> update driver ... hope this works ! .. It worked for me ..

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Hi My player is Creative ZEN MOZAIC EZ 100 - 4GB It is not able to recharge and when connects to PC there appears scaning Disk... and nothing else happends long time.

I've had similar issues with the Zen Microphoto, usually the case is a defective cable. Even though the PC sees the device that does not mean that the cable is connecting properly. Try using a different mini USB 2.0 cable. That fixed all of my issues with my Zen Microphoto's connection and inability to charge.

My zen will not turn on fully it just freezes at the zen screen. Now today when i turned it on it went to a recovery mode screen, tried the clean up doesn't do anything, tried format and it said harddisk...

Hi there,

The only fix is to update your zen by downloading and installing the firmware below:

Once your zen is connected to your computer, run the firmware by double clicking the file. Then properly disconnect the zen on your computer and try to restart it.

Hope this helps.

Creative zen won't turn on

had same prob to the T...found this post and it fixed's the computer not the zen...once I did the two steps my zen started charging and turned on...go figure...the flashing blue light doesn't mean it is charging.
posted on Feb 25, 2009 abeales
If you have windows set to do automatic updates, you most likely had a windows update installed that caused this conflict with Win Media Player 11. No fix has been posted by Microsoft yet, so the only workaround is to Uninstall/Rollback Windows Media Player 11. Goto <Control Panel<Add/Remove Programs and remove Windows Media Player 11. Follow prompts, restart computer when prompted to. Also uninstall Windows Media Player 11 Runtime application following same procedure above.
This will roll your Windows Media Player back to version 10 or 9, whichever you had installed prior to version 11. You will need to re-configure Windows Media Player again.

Your Zen should now be recognized by WMP and Creative software. You probably need to upgrade your firmware at this point, follow the instructions on upgrading your firmware, and you should be good to go.

This is a windows problem, not a creative problem. Dont blame Creative for the screwed up hotfixes that Microsoft puts out on a regular basi

Zen nomad jukebox xtra in need of repair, any suggestions?

Look up "jazzmantim" or "Jazzman Tim" on google or ebay; he specializes in fixing and upgrading Zen's, and is competent and fair.

Creative Zen Firmware Problem

about this issue of creative zen wherein the device is not booting up to the normal os. and is not being detected by your computer, and giving you options to clean, reset, and format. my brother and i own creative zen, my brother own zen 4GB and i own 16gb. i don't have any problems at all. but my brother does. what i did is i just download the firmware version of my brother's zen that is missing which is version 1.03.04_0.6.1. unfortunately you will not find this firmware version at creative website. i checked a website and i found this. it's at
just perform this steps and you're good to go.
1. download the firmware for your zen. 2. connect your zen to your pc. 3. run the executable file (firmware). 4. just follow the on-screen instructions on your computer and you're good to go.
hope that this step will help you guys out.
if you have any questions about fixing this kind of problem. or if this step won't help you. email me at [email protected]
i'll be more than happy to help you guys with this kind ok issue. god bless and enjoy listening to your favorite music.

ZEN V PLUS Software Installation

I happen to overlook the warning to install first the software before connecting my new ZEN V Plus to my laptop. Now, whenever I connect my ZEN V Plus to my laptop, it cannot detect the device. Could someone help me what to do? Thanks a lot.
I installed the software for the Zen...

Zen Media Explorer keeps saying "Player not connected"

This worked for me - My Zen player had the same 'not connected problem'

From the Start menu, select Control Panel > System. From the window that appears, select the Hardware tab and then click on Device Manager. You will find a listing for your Zen Player - probably under Portable Devices. You may well see that the entry for Zen has an exclamation mark in it - delete this entry by right clicking your mouse. Reboot your PC with the Zen player still attached and you should find that the problem is cured.


Firmware error on creative zen

Check your LAN settings by going to Internet Options, select "connections" then LAN settings, then check the box that says "automatically detect settings". Click okay, and that should fix your problem. You have that have those options enabled to let some common programs detect your internet connectivity.

waseem E-mail- [email protected]

ZEN V PLUS Software Installation

Can u help me to find a link som I can download instellation cd for my creative zen touch 20 GB.?

SEC. Katy

Pc not recognizing zen

Does the firmware update recognize it?
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