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Posted on Apr 26, 2008

Hd to normal tv problems

I recently plugged my ps3 into my mates hd tv, i only have a standard tv myself it worked fine but when i took it back home and plugged it into my normal tv there was no picture, so i plugged it back into my mates hd tvand switched the settings back to the normal scart setting but i still cant get a picture on my normal tv and i cant get a picture on the hd tv now aswell.

  • bcjautos Apr 26, 2008

    i have the same problem i did a reset on it by holding the power button down when you first switch it on after a few attempts it kicked in but then crashed again a while later


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  • Posted on Apr 29, 2008
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I had the same problem, but the reset worked for me, hold down the power button until u hear the "beep"

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My tv works at my friend house, but doesn't work in my apartment. However all other electrical devices work at my apartment, model is (SLED5000)

Sounds strange indeed. All other devices; except the TV works fine with all power sockets at your house!! Just replace the power pin, at the end of the TV power cord and check. There is nothing more to check for you. It it too do not help you, contact any service technician. Electro help

I hook up my ps3 and it wont come throu it says ( please change source resolution ) i tyed eveything i know it just wont give me a pic.

My brother had this problem too I think it happen when u have been using the pa3 with a non hd tv and then switch to a hd tv, try hooking it up to a normal (older) tv to change the resolution to sd (standard definition) then hook it back up to a hd tv and it should put up a message saying it's detected a hd source and prompts u to change it. Hope this helps mate Bogsy

I took my ps3 to my cousins house who has an HD tv with a HD wire. But once I took it back to my regular tv it didn't work. The screen was black. Please help me.

I had this same problem myself, and it's simple to fix. First, make sure to power off your OS3. The only light should be the red "Standby Mode" light. Now, press and hold the power button until you hear a beep, and the wait a moment. The console should start outputting to your TV again.

The problem your having is the video settings. Once the PS3 was set to output to HDMI, that's all it's outputting to. It can't tell when there is an RCA connection (those red white and yellow connectors), only when there is a new HDMI. Next time you go to your friends, just make sure to into the settings and choose the RCA video output before you disconnect from his TV and go home, then you shouldn't have any problems.

Here are the Sony instructions for this process.

Cant get picture on my tv. its a normal tv (no hd) but tried on mates hd tv and the message on the tv says MODE NOT SUPPORTED. Howdo i get my ps3 to work on my normal tv?

Hi there, what you need to do is reset the display. Follow these steps :

Step 1 Turn the PS3 off into standby mode (red light on)

Step 2 Press and hold the power button. It will beep when you first press it then beep again 5 seconds later. Release the power button when you hear this second beep.

Step 3 Wait for the PS3 display to reset.

You should now be able to get a picture from your PS3 in standard definition

Hope this helps and thank you for using FixYa

Hi , was playing in HD at a mates house on PS3, now back home my tv is not HD, how can i set it back to video mode by only touching the consol?

Ok follow these simple steps to get your PS3 back to standard definition.
1. Turn the PS3 off into standby (Red light on)
2. Turn the PS3 on and keep holding the power button down.
3. After about 5 seconds you will hear a single beep, release the power button
4. The PS3 should now reset back to standard video

Hope this helps

I turn on my playstation and it works but i got no picture or sound. Recently i took my playstation to a mates place. my tv is standard def. my mates is high def 1080p. when i connected my sony to my mates...

sometimes ps has this problem as i m also havin a ps2 n ps3 n i play them on my standard definition tv ....i also hav to restart again n again till 10 to 12 times then finally it starts this may be a plate problem go show it to ur nearest service center.......hope it works

PS3 Scart / HD

Turn it off with the "hard" switch in the back. Then turn it back on with the switch while pressing the power button on the front for 10 secs, this should reset your display settings.

Returning back to factory default

Very easy solution. You know the button you tap to turn on the machine from the stand by mode (Red Light). This time when you tap it, do not let go, it will beep twice then go in to stand by mode again. Then boot up like normal and your video settings should be normal again.


Unhooked ps3 from an hd tv and plugged it into an sd tv and it shows no picture.

when in standby mode(redlight) push and hold the power power button until you hear the second beep. This should reset your PS3 to it's standard 480i resolution.
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