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Posted on Apr 26, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Have ancient citizen CRS 3000-mother not turning to p,can't alter prices. please help!

  • sybil92 Apr 27, 2008

    we've got the master key, had it for years. how else would i know its not working if i don't know about master key? thanks anyway. & yes, tried turning it Off & on again.

  • sybil92 Apr 27, 2008

    so sure. as i say, its an antique, master key always been with master, x key for slave.


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  • Posted on Jun 24, 2009
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The m key is not a master key it is a manager key what you need is either an s, or P key in order to switch the register to programming mode. Once in programming mode the register should be able to power on then while holding the bottom right most button on the keyboard down turn the machine off by using the power switch on the right side of the machine. power it back on while continuing to hold the button down and the machine should unfreeze.

Karl Whisenand

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  • Master 1,554 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 26, 2008
Karl Whisenand
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You may not have the master key

  • Karl Whisenand
    Karl Whisenand Apr 27, 2008

    but there are 2 sets of keys , one for employees and one for manager only the master can turn to change pricing.
    are you sure its a master.



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D.I.Y. Replacement of Crankshaft Positioning Sensor, 1999 4 Cyl non-areo...

D.I.Y. Replacement of Crankshaft Positioning Sensor, 1999 4 Cyl non-areo


What happened on our 1999 9-5 Manual 4 Cyl 130k is that after a short time of running, the engine would stop and not start. Sometimes after sitting, sometimes in traffic. The check engine light would turn on. The code that it was throwing was P0337. Crankshaft Position Sensor A Circuit Low Input. We did purchase2_bing.gif a new CPS via Auto2_bing.gif Zone, but it was a bit pricy, you can order online. I have seen prices2_bing.gif from $35 to $110 shipped overnight.


Time: This took about 1 hour for my son and I, but we did fumble a bit getting the screw back in.


13mm socket with ratchet, extensions
Torx 30 socket 1/4" drive (that is what we used, had trouble with driver type being to long)
Small flat head screwdriver (for connector)

1) Obtain a new CRS

2) Should wait for the engine to cool

3) Remove the exhaust shrowd cover with the 13mm socket. This is the cover right in the front of the engine. Remove the nut and then take off the cover, there are two clips that are over two elongated bolts on the exhaust.

4) The CRS is located just behind the O2 on the exhaust on the engine on the right part of engine. There is on torx screw holding it in. There is also a metal cover over the CRS to protect from heat from the exhaust. This will come off with the screw.

5) Use to torx driver to remove the screw. This job is mainly by feel, but you can see some of it.

6) Remove the CRS making sure to also remove the oring from the engine. This will probably not come off with the CRS, will probably have to be removed by finger.

7) Put the new CRS and cover in lining up the screw hole and make sure the o ring is in place.

8) Put the screw back in (mainly by feel) and tighten

9) Run the wire back up to the plug on the back side of the engine on the top. You can trace the old wire.

10) Pull out the plug lock on the left using a small flat head screwdriver. Pull the left release to the left until it stops, plug in the new wire and put the release to the right until in.

11) Replace the exhaust cover / guard

12) Test engine by starting and running for about 1/2 hour.

13) We did not remove the old sensor from the car (please keep the yells to a min). We will probably remove after a bit to make sure that was the issue.

This worked great for us. Hope that this helps others with the P0337 (and a few other codes).

ort11 JeffO

Crs 3000

restar the computer HOLD the CTRL+F2 and enter the setup, AND use the information that you had.
or use the CTRL +F12 and recovery to factory set up original.

God bless you

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Just an advise, if the service charge is 3000 rupees, then I would highly suggest just to buy a brand new one.

Trust me, the price is too much that you can even buy a new one.

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if your computer came with a motherboard disc the sound drivers could be on it
click start control panel administrive tools computer management device manager sound video and game controllers could be a yellow question or exclamation mark ! ? or red x right click to re-install drivers if these drivers are not suitable on the home page you should see the download software finder under that there will be a list platform, category sub category price from the category drop down list select drivers then from the price drop down list select free or which ever applies to your need
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio Driver v hope one of these helps


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if your computer came with a motherboard disc the sound drivers could be on it
click start control panel administrive tools computer management device manager sound video and game controllers could be a yellow question mark? right click to re-install drivers if these drivers are not suitable on the home page you should see the download software finder under that there will be a list platform, category sub category price from the category drop down list select drivers then from the price drop down list select free or which ever applies to your need
SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio Driver v hope this helps


My citizen skyhawk watch which is under one year old has stopped working, there is nothing on the lcd screens.

This watch is a "echo-drive" I presume. Do you wear the watch every day? If not , is it put away in the dark? If it is , this watch needs sunlight for it to stay charged. Try putting it on a window sill for 24 hours and see what happens. If this dosn't help, then you need the capacitor changed. You said you have had this watch for about a year, Citizen has a 5 year warrenty, so if it still dosn't work get ahold of them and they should be able to help you. If you don't want to wait to have it fixed you can go to any REPUTABLE watch repair shop (NOT a jeweler) and they shoul be able to help you. The price will probibly be between 45-65 dollars. If you need more help PLEASE let me know, and I will be glad to assist you further.

Instruction manual

Go to this link and follow instructions for finding your particular watch movement and then lookup instructions.
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