SysMech.exe Access violation
Please follow the steps below to perform a thorough uninstall and reinstall of your iolo product. Depending on which iolo product(s) you had, some of these items may not be present.
1. First uninstall anything from iolo from your system and restart the computer.
2. Right-click on the Windows Start button and select Explore.
3. Navigate to C:\Program Files and delete the iolo folder.
**If any of these folders state a file is in use, open your Windows Task Manager and end any iolo processes that are running and try again. Ultimately, Windows Safe Mode will allow all of the folders to be removed.
- Starting Windows in Safe Mode
4. Once the folders are removed, click on the Windows Start button, select Run, in the Open field type REGEDIT and click OK. This will open the registry editor.
5. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software and delete the iolo key.
6. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software and delete the iolo key, should it exist.
7. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion and double-click on Uninstall.
8a. When it expands, look for any of the following items and delete them should they exist:
System Mechanic_is1
System Mechanic Professional_is1
System Mechanic 6_is1
System Mechanic Professional 6_is1
System Mechanic 7_is1
System Mechanic Professional 7_is1
System Mechanic 8_is1
System Mechanic Professional 8_is1
DriveScrubber 3_is1
8b. Please also delete these two keys:
9. Remove residual antivirus files
a. Right-click the task bar located at the bottom of your desktop and select Task Manager.
b. From the Windows Task Manager select the Processes tab.
c. Locate and click on the process named Dvpapi.exe to highlight it.
d. Click the End Process button, then click Yes to confirm.
e. Navigate to C:\program files\common files and right-click the folder named Authentium.
f. Click Delete, then click Yes to confirm.
g. Download and install the Microsoft cleanup utility. You can download this file from Microsoft’s web site at:
h. Run the utility by clicking Start>All Programs>Windows Installer Clean Up.
i. Highlight Authentium Antivirus SDK and click Remove. Click OK to confirm.
10. Close all open windows, restart the computer & re-download.
windows xp version 2002 service pack 2
can you tell me which OS you are using?